Title: Computers and the Family -- THE GURU. Written BY: Michael T. Huggett SysOp of: Dark Steel Systems It has often been said that an, "ounce of prevention is better than a cup of cure". When it comes to computers and the home front nothing could be closer to the truth. So often problems that occur could have been avoided if only people new what that "Ounce of prevention" was. Computer companies, resellars and consultants alike are seemingly busting at the seems to help new and novice computer users overcome there seemingly disasterous hurdles. Doing so, of course for a modest fee (There are always those that are an exception to the rule.) Much assistance can be had IF someone within your family has a deep interest in computers. Add to this the need to record problems that are encountered through the course of time, can certainly be part of the formula for that ounce of prevention. Some mistakes that are made, are because people do not take the time to write down on paper, information pertaining to the computer they use. Such things as, RAM (memory configuration) Autoexec.bat, Config.sys file, these are a few that we mention which will offer valuable information to how the system runs and under what controls. A good DOS manual is helpful. One that will give basic to intermediate details to commands and command sets, to better educate the user. Also it is good practice to make a backup copy of both Config.sys and Autoexec.bat BEFORE you add any new applications or make any adjustments. True, most software will do this at installation, yet to have a backup on a floppy disk tends to add a dimension of security. Of course the ultimate would be to have a family member that has an interest in computers, that shows an ability to understand how the system works, and has an overall feel for computing. If no one in your family has this, then you can still (generally) get by, when following the above steps. You can always inlist the aid of friend that may have some skill in the area of computing. In the next article we will look at the type of MINDSET that will help you when you look at a computer. Computers are purely logical machines, we are not. TILL NEXT MONTH......