"Using Outpost Trader Helper. See the Graphics! Feel the Power!" This is a discussion of why the above universal announcement is made and what you can do to have it deactivated. For any product, even a high quality one, to be successful in the shareware marketplace takes "word of mouth" recommendations from one user to other potential users. That's the "share" in shareware. However in a competitive game such as Outpost Trader, any advantage a player finds will generally be keep secret as long as possible. Hence with a utility such as Outpost Trader Helper, user will NOT tell others about it simply because it is so useful! This contradicts the shareware concept and seriously impedes the distribution of Outpost Trader Helper. To offset this situation the universal announcement is made to let other players know of this product. Of course this assumes most players using the registered Outpost Trader Helper are at the top of the rankings and what they're using will catch the interest of the other players. That's the why, now what you can do about it. It comes down to recommending Outpost Trader Helper to two people who will register it. That's all. Of course those two have to tell me you are the one who recommended it to them when they register. Once your account is marked with having two recommends you will be sent a letter with a code unique to your name that will deactivate the universal announcement. Of course this means you must be registered first. Essentially this puts the "word of mouth" sharing back into effect and remove the necessity of self promotion now being done. The information the person registering will need from you is: your name as it appears on the first line of your namekey file, your city and your state. They must provide this information when registering as I will not accept after-the-fact notification, transfers or any other such exceptions. Mike Ingham Just FUN Software 4790 Naniloa Dr. SLC, UT 84117-5547 (801) 272-6238