Centus Installation - Manually - If for any reason you can not properly install the program using the included INSTALL.EXE utility follow these instructions: I. Make a directory named \CENTUS in your hard disk, it could be in C, D or any drive you choose. Just type at the prompt: MD\CENTUS press [ENTER] II. Copy self-compressed program files from Centus diskettes to the \CENTUS directory. Type: a: (or b:) press [ENTER] Copy *.EXE C:\CENTUS (Or D:\CENTUS, etc.) III. Decompress self-extracting files. At C:\CENTUS (Or D:\CENTUS, etc). Just type: CEN1.EXE press [ENTER] After the files are extracted, erase CEN1.EXE from your hard disk to save hard disk space. CEN2.EXE press [ENTER] After the files are extracted, erase CEN2.EXE from your hard disk to save hard disk space. CEN3.EXE press [ENTER] After the files are extracted, erase CEN3.EXE from your hard disk to save hard disk space. IV. To execute CENTUS, just type: CEN or START press [ENTER] IV. Read the included *.TXT files to learn more about program requirements and usage. The CENTUS directory should contain approx. 126 files. Very Important: All program files must be located in the same directory!.