FLORIST VER 2.0 by H.M. MCCALL,JR. (CUSTOM SOFTWARE) (803-269-6766 / 803-295-0894) MENU # 1 FUNCTIONS: 1) Search or Create Account: This function will Create new Accounts or Search for an existing one. You simply enter the name of the Customer you wish to Create/Search and the program will do the rest. You are asked to enter Name, Address (Street RFD), City/State, Zipcode, and finally Phone#. The information mentioned above is stored in a DataBase called NAMES.DAT. This database is your customer database and contains an updated balance at all times. The second portion of this data entry (or search) will be the actual tranaction database entries stored in MASTER.DAT. This database is where your invoice sales information will be computed from. If the customer you are entering is not known to the NAMES database, you will continue to answer the prompts (Quantity), (Description), etc. If the Customer is KNOWN to the NAMES database, you will be asked to enter 'T' for transaction. From this you select either 'O' order or 'P' payment. If you select 'O' the program will assume an order and you will be prompted for those entries. If you have selected 'P' or payment on account, you will be asked to furnish that information. At any time in this process you wish to re-do an entry, you may press the '-' or minus key and the program will back up one field allowing re-entry of that field. When you have finished this entry/search, you will be asked if everything is ok, if you select 'Y' then the data is committed to the database else, you are asked to re-enter the invoicing data. 2 2) PRINT MONTHLY INVOICES: A sort of the NAMES file is done when invoices are printed. Any deleted customer names will be disposed of during this sort. If you have chosen to delete a customer name, a '*' is placed before the name and will remain there until the sort occurs at which time the name is deleted permanently. ONCE YOU HAVE STARTED PRINTING INVOICES, IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO INTERRUPT THE PROCESS. A lot of things are going on during this process that may be affected by an interruption. The invoices are printed so they can be folded in such a way to allow the customer name to appear in a 'window' envelope. Also, the invoices are printed on regular 8 1/2 by 11 computer paper. The data included on the invoice is the Customer name address info, your business name, address etc, and the current billing items and descriptions. The total section will show taxes applied, service charges (delivery), and the total charges for this invoice period. Because the invoice printing process operates using an indexed sort, your invoices will be in alphabetical order by Lastname. After printing all your invoices, a simple balance sheet is created. This balance sheet information may be very useful to your, or your bookkeeper/accountant. The infomation contained in it, is current months sales, monies taken in, taxes, and delivery charges. 3) DETAILED ACCOUNT INFORMATION: This is a simple search that allows you to enter a Lastname, Firstname, and search the database to show all transactions for the customer. All database information for that customer will be displayed, and totals will be presented at the end of the search. 4) BACKUP ACCOUNT INFORMATION: This function is pretty straighforward. It simply requires you put a formatted disk in your A: drive and follow the prompts. The data on your hard disk will be copied to that floppy and your data is backed up. BACKING UP YOUR DATA IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT. I recommend you do this function EVERY business day. I suggest you number your disks (1) and (2) and alternate using them each time, so you will always have two days of data stored. 3 BEGIN NEW YEAR ACCOUNTING: Because, the invoice portion of this program relies on the MASTER database, it is imperative this database total remains accurate. To solve the problem for end of year transfers (and to keep the database small), this function will total and transfer ONLY the last or previous transaction and total account information to the new year. This, of course, will make the MASTER database smaller, and enhance the speed of of the program in all functions. The NAME database is not all your accounts will remain valid. 6) CHANGE ACCOUNT INFORMATION: This function will allow you to change account information in the NAME database only. USE CAUTION WHEN MAKING CHANGES HERE. Once an account has been started (transactions have been recorded in the Master database), these transactions are directly related to the name as entered into the NAME database. If for some reason, this name changes, the program will not recognize the old invoice data. This warning applies to NAME CHANGES ONLY. If you change the address, phone etc, no effect will be upon the invoice data. 7) UTILITIES MENU FUNCTIONS: This selection calls the second or 'UTILITIES' menu. 8) CLOSE FILES AND EXIT: Will close all files (databases) and leave the program. UTILITIES MENU ------------------ 1) GO TO FIRST MENU: Will take you to the main menu. 2) DELETE AN ACCOUNT: This function will allow you to delete an account. The file deletion will actually take place when your data is sorted for printing invoices. When you elect to delete a name (account), the account or name is marked with a '*' as the first character of the account name. The asterisk will remain in the account (as above) until the sort for invoices removes it from the NAME database. The invoice information remains in the MASTER file, but will not be invoiced because the account has been removed. 4 3) LIST ACCOUNT NAMES: Will list all account names in the NAME database. When listing these accounts, you may hit 'T' at anytime to go to the top of the list. The names will be listed in alphabetical order. 4) LIST MONTHLY TRANSAC. Will list a month (selectable) transactions. The totals will reflect the money taken in, expenses, taxes etc...and the balances remaining. These are total amounts for the entire database for that month. 5) CLEAR ACCOUNT BALANCE: To clear and individual account balance, simply enter the account name and the account will be cleared. IF THE ACCOUNT STILL HAS A BALANCE, THE PROGRAM WILL WARN YOU OF THIS BEFORE ALLOWING THE RESET OF BALANCE. You may elect to clear ALL account balances: This function isn't documented here, but will be provided to registered users of the program. 6) VIEW STORED ACCOUNT: Will allow viewing of a previously stored database (say from a previous year). You may enter the name of account you want to search, and the account information will be displayed on screen and column format. 7) VERIFY DATA INTEGRITY: This function will verify record integrity. Some hard drives have a tendency to write bad data as they age, and this was included to address just that. The utility will attempt to correct that situation. If the data is un-recoverable, it will remove the record to prevent false totals and invoice information. This function key will be provided to registered users. ********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER The author of this software has made every attempt to insure the product does what it is intended to do. Custom Software will assume NO responsibility for losses incurred by use of the product. Installation and use of this product is the acknowlegement of this DISCLAIMER and the user accepts responsibility for results of data and program output. ***********************************************************************