July 13, 1994 July 22, 1994 - added A.7 and A.8 AutoCAD Release 12 introduced the PSOUT command. PSOUT allows very high quality output from AutoCAD to a PostScript device, and incorporation of high quality AutoCAD drawings into many other programs' data. The ability to use PostScript fonts as the basis of AutoCAD text styles was also introduced in AutoCAD 12. In several years on the CompuServe ACAD forum, 90% of the questions I have seen regarding PostScript fonts and PSOUT are duplicates. I wrote this file in an attempt to collect all the common problems with PostScript in one place, together with answers. If the problems and limitations of PSOUT are not acceptable to you, you can try AutoScript from Preco Industries (913) 541-0066. I have no experience with this product. Disclaimers: I am not an employee of Autodesk. Any errors or opinions in this file are my own. The information herein is provided "as is", with no warranty or liability for any damages (although I certainly expect none!) Several of the answers herein include "get PSLWGS". I am the author of PSLWGS, but since it is free for any use by anyone who downloads it, I don't feel bad about recommending it freely. Other products mentioned herein are not necessarily recommended. I have very little experience with Macintoshes, and haven't addressed any Mac-specific issues in this file. Jon Fleming CIS 70334,2443 A. FONT PROBLEMS 1. When I use PostScript fonts as the basis for my text styles, and plot the result, the characters aren't "filled"; they're just outlined. How do I get filled fonts? PostScript fonts will print "filled" ONLY when PSOUT is used to produce an EPS file, and the resulting file is sent to a PostScript device. If you cannot meet one or more of these conditions, you can: a. Use a "real" stroked AutoCAD SHX/SHP file that closely mimics the font you want to use. Such fonts are available from various third parties (check the "AutoCAD Resource Guide" that was included in your Release 12 documentation) or from various electronic sources. As of today, the only such file available in the ACAD forum on Compuserve is HELVO.ARC in library section 3, which includes only upper case characters; I do not know what the quality of this font is. b. Compile the PFB file to a real AutoCAD stroked SHX/SHP file, using a third-party tool. The only tool of which I am aware to do this is FontASM!, available from G. Gibson & Associates, (604) 732-0218 (or CompuServe 76310,340). A demo version of FontASM! (convertible to a full version over the phone) is available on CompuServe, in section 10 of the ACAD forum library. The filename (as of today) is FAD118.EXE. Note that, depending on the degree of fill chosen and the amount of text in the drawing, using these fonts can increase drawing size appreciably. Unfortunately, it is not legal to distribute fonts produced by FontASM! to third parties unless you obtain permission from the original PFB copyright holder (see question E.2) or compile a public domain font.. c. Use a PostScript interpreter to convert the PSOUT-produced EPS file to a format suitable for your output device. This may be difficult if your output device is a pen plotter. PostScript interpreters include Ghostscript (available in the IBMAPPS forum on Compuserve and an out-of-date version is on the Bonus CD that comes with AutoCAD 12; it's free but quirky, and poorly documented) and Freedom of Press (ColorAge Inc, (508) 667-8585; the Windows version can produce output to any device that has a Windows driver) and GoScript (I don't have a source for this). There may well be others. 2. When I use PostScript fonts as the basis for my text styles, and PSOUT the drawing, when the resulting EPS file is printed all my text is printed in the Courier typeface. How do I get the correct typefaces to print? For a PostScript device to use a font, that font must be "resident" in the device. If the font is not resident, some other font (usually Courier) is substituted. A PostScript device is not required to have any fonts built-in (in ROM); in practice, all (or almost all) PostScript devices have a selection of fonts built-in, including Times Roman and Helvetica. I am not aware of any PostScript devices that include the fonts supplied with AutoCAD in their list of built-in fonts. There are three ways of handling this situation: a. Download the font to the device before sending the EPS file. Fonts cannot be simply copied to the device; they must be translated to an appropriate format. You need a font downloader. You may have a font downloader on a utility disk supplied with your PostScript printer. A downloader is available on CompuServe () and may be available in other places. Most downloaders will write a file that you can then copy to the printer when you want to use the font. Downloading a font takes up room in the printer's memory that may be needed for other things (see question D.1). Making sure that the font is in the printer when you need it can be difficult, especially in a network situation. It is not legal to supply fonts in any form to a third party (such as a service bureau) that does not own a license to use the font unless you have permission from the party that owns the copyright to the PFB file (see question E.2). b. Use only Sans Serif (filenames beginning with SAS) and Romantic (filenames beginning with ROM) and substitute Helvetica for Sans Serif and Times Roman for Romantic in the EPS file (presuming the imaging device has Helvetica and Times Roman built-in, which is a pretty safe presumption). To do this, you edit ACAD.PSF (in AutoCAD's SUPPORT subdirectory) and add a semicolon in front of each of the following lines: rom Romantic romb Romantic-Bold romi Romantic-Italic sas SansSerif sasb SansSerif-Bold sasbo SansSerif-BoldOblique saso SansSerif-Oblique This will activate some font-file-to-font-name mappings later in the file that use Times Roman and Helvetica. If you upgrade your version of AutoCAD, you must remember to modify the new ACAD.PSF. The results on the paper will not be _exactly_ the same as on the screen though it may take a discerning eye to detect the difference. c. Use font files (as the basis of your AutoCAD styles) that are built-in to the imaging device or already downloaded to the imaging device. Obtaining individual PostScript font files can be a noticable expense. Adobe Type Manager comes with a complete set of Helvetica and Times Roman PFB files. ATM is bundled with many applications (including OS/2 2.x), so you may have it on your system already. ATM is available for approximately $50 through many outlets. 3. I want to use the fonts supplied with AutoCAD in other programs. I have Adobe Type Manager, but it will not "add" the AutoCAD fonts. How can I get ATM to accept AutoCAD fonts? Unfortunately, ATM will add only a subset of all legal PostScript Type I fonts. Early releases of AutoCAD 12 came with PFB files that ATM would accept. Later releases of AutoCAD 12 came with PFB files that have more characters than the earlier fonts, and are legal Type 1 fonts, but are not accepted by ATM. The only way I know of to get AutoCAD's PFB fonts into ATM is to use an early-release PFB file. PFB files from AutoCAD DOS R12 (the first release) and DOS R12c1 will work. Early-release files from other platforms may work. If you have a general-purpose font editor (such as TypeMaster) you may be able to edit AutoCAD's PFB files to amke them acceptable to ATM, but I do not know how to do this or if it can be done. 4. How can I use TrueType fonts? AutoCAD R12 does not support TrueType fonts as the basis of text styles. You can convert TrueType fonts to PostScript Type 1 fonts with any of several utilites, including AllType (from Atech Software). It is not legal to distribute the resulting PFB files unless the party to whom you are sending them has a license to use the original True Type fonts. 5. I used the special characters "%%P" (plusminus), "%%D" (degrees), and/or "%%C" (lower case phi, meaning "diameter") in my AutoCAD text. The rest of the text shows up filled, and these special characters have the right shape, but they're unfilled (just outlines). How do I fix this? AutoCAD 12 PSOUT produces these special characters as unfilled shapes. It is possible to edit the EPS file with a text editor, locate the point in the file where these shapes are produced (though it's not easy), and add a "fill" just before the "s" or "stroke" command. This is not for the faint of heart! 6. I inserted special characters in my AutoCAD text by holding down the ALT key and typing the three-digit character code on the numeric keypad (or some way of inserting a character that doesn't appear on the keyboard). When I print the EPS file produced by PSOUT, a number appears instead of these characters! How do I fix this? This is a bug in PSOUT. The only way to fix it is to edit the EPS file with a text editor, locate the strings (search for the string as it appears on the paper), and replace the extraneous number with "\nnn", where "nnn" should be the OCTAL (base 8) code for the desired character 7. My text, on the paper and on the screen, is smaller than I expected. What happened? On the paper and on the screen, the text is the same size relative to other entities. The problem arose when you told AutoCAD how high the text should be. You did this with the STYLE command (if the text style is fixed height) or in the responses to the DTEXT or TEXT or ATTDEF or DDATTDEF command (if the style is variable height). AutoCAD fonts measure text height by the height of an uppercase letter. PostScript fonts measure text height by the distance from the lowest descender of any character in the font (e.g. "y") to the highest point of any character in the font (usually "I" but sometimes "f"). When you ask AutoCAD for text that is one unit high, if the style is based on a true AutoCAD "stroked" font, uppercase letters will be one unit high. When you ask AutoCAD for text that is one unit high, and the style is based on a PostScript font, the distance from the highest point of a string containing all the characters in the font to the lowest point of that string will be one unit. Therefore, in the latter case, the uppercase letters will be one unit high. This is a fundamental incompatibility that cannot be compensated for automatically. The only solution is to increase the height of the text based on PostScript fonts. A rule of thumb is 1.5 times the size you want it to _really_ be. For higher precision, print a string of characters and measure their height. 8. When I create dimensions using text based on a PostScript font, the witness lines don't line up with the middle of the text. What gives? This is due to the same height-measurement-method incompatibility explained in A.7, above. The solution is to live with it, use grips to move the text to where it looks correct, or set the system variable DIMTVP to a small positive number that makes the text look correct (this only works if the system variable DIMTAD is "off"). B. ENTITY APPEARANCE PROBLEMS 1. When I PSOUT my drawing, and sent the EPS file to a PostScript printer, almost all the drawing appears in shades of grey. Lines actually look dotted. How do I fix this? PSOUT was intended more for incorporating AutoCAD drawings into desktop-publishing programs than for copying directly to printers. PSOUT by default produces entities in the same colors that they appear on the AutoCAD screen. When a DTP file containing an AutoCAD color EPS file is printed through a printer driver that knows the printer is monochrome, the colors get translated to black (or the driver takes some appropriate action; in Windows, use "Control Panel" "Printers"