New stuff's at the bottom. This list isn't necessarily complete. 2.00: o A whole new look for FM/2 -- the same thing, only more so. Some things were enhanced, some dropped, some replaced or superceded. Still, if you used 1.x you should feel at home. [lazy bum skipped a few...] 2.06: o In the Collector's Seek-and-scan dialog, the All HDs button now skips removable drives (like CD-ROMs) for convenience. o Quick tree works around the OS/2 DosFindFirst bug that prevents FAT root drives from being found. o Added "separator" attribute for tool buttons -- causes a small amount of space to be added after the button with the attribute, for appearance (grouping of buttons). o Added ability to turn on titles below bitmap buttons in toolbar (it'll have to be short and sweet) and grouped all toolbar toggles under a Toolbar conditional cascade submenu. 2.07: o Added "View Bookshelf" and "View Helpfiles" utilities. o Fixed bug in Quick Tree added while fixing the last one... o VTree now saves its size and position on desktop (Ron Gawer wanted that). VDir doesn't, as you can have several of them open at once and it would be somewhat irritating to have them all on top of each other.