ZIPDISK and UZIPDISK v2.0! Have you ever wanted to ZIP up an entire floppy disk into a single zip file and couldn't remember all the zip commands/switches to get the job done? Well have NO fear, P-Boy Software has come up with two (2) great little utilities that solve that problem! And those utilities are ZIPDISK and UZIPDISK version 2.0! These PKZIP(tm) and PKUNZIP(tm) "add on" utilities take all the worry out of zipping (and unzipping) an entire floppy disk for you! These two (2) great utilities will even remember the command switches to add any HIDDEN, SYSTEM, READ ONLY files that are located on the floppy into your zip file, along with any subdirectories on that disk! No more "racking" your over worked brain trying to remember all those switch commands! Unzipping that file to a floppy with all it's data intact is just as easy. A complete floppy restore with all it's HIDDEN, SYSTEM, and READ ONLY files, along with all the stored subdirectories, can be easily done. So read on and relax! But first lets get the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, ok? Legal Mumbo-Jumbo: DISCLAIMER! P-Boy Software hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. P-Boy Software will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason! The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software. IN SHORT: THE AUTHOR RESERVES ALL RIGHTS TO THIS PROGRAM. THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT THIS PROGRAM'S FITNESS OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PURPOSE. ALL USERS SHOULD USE IT AT THEIR OWN RISK. "Operator Head Space" can be dangerous! Now that we have that out of the way, lets go on to describe the utilities functions and syntax. ZIPDISK : (function) To make maximum compression zip disk images for transmission and automatic directory recursion with volume label storage! File name extensions not used! For example use FILENAME and *not* FILENAME.ZIP! (syntax): ZIPDISK (zip-to) x:\path\filename (from-drive) x DUMMY EXAMPLE: zipdisk c:\directory\filename b <-- all files on drive B: zipdisk d:\directory\filename a <-- all files on drive A: zipdisk c:\downloads\pboyware a <-- easy huh?? UZIPDISK : (function) to restore a zipped disk with all directories and volume label intact! File name extensions not used! For example use FILENAME and *not* FILENAME.ZIP! (syntax) : UZIPDISK (from) x:\path\filename (to-drive) x DUMMY EXAMPLE: uzipdisk c:\directory\filename b --> all files to drive B: uzipdisk d:\directory\filename a --> all files to drive A: uzipdisk c:\downloads\pboyware a --> now you got it!!!! All you need is PKZIP(tm) and PKUNZIP(tm) version 2.04g archive utilities *and* ZIPDISK, UZIPDISK in a subdirectory that is located in your DOS path statement. If you are not sure of your PATH statement, please refer to your DOS manual. You can check to see which directories are in your PATH by typing SET at the DOS prompt and pressing . This will show you just what is in your PATH. EXAMPLE: "PATH=C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS;D:\;D:\UTIL;" So you may want to copy ZIPDISK and UZIPDISK over onto your hard drive C:, into the DOS directory or over onto your hard drive D:, into the UTIL directory etc. Remember that ZIPDISK and UZIPDISK is reliant on another Shareware utility called PKZIP(tm) and PKUNZIP(tm)! If you do not already have these utilities, look on one of your local bulletin boards for a file called PKZ204G.EXE, which will contain the additional archive utilities you will need. What we COULD have done, what we DID, and what we will DO: We COULD have put a "beg" screen or "time delay" on this program, but we DIDN'T! We download shareware programs every day, and find those type of things annoying ourselves! You WILL find a "reminder" that the version you are using is "unregistered" and that's it. You'll also not run into any time delays. This program works as fast as your computer! We DID test this program. The product has been tested on several '386DX computers, and even a '486DX2-66! So far, no "bug reports" (very happy 'bout that!). Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive a new version without the "unregistered" comment, and of course IF finished, the next version. We greatly appreciate your commants, and we plan to listen to what you tell us! As all software goes, there will be updates, improvements etc. Being a registered user means you will be notified of upgrades, or any other new products that we can make available to our clients at a great savings! If demand persists, there may even be ARJ, PAK, etc versions of ZIPDISK for those of you that use, other type of archive utilities. So please fill out the order/registration form and mail it with your check or money order.