By: DIANA FLETCHER Title: Jiffy Baby Afghan Keywords: baby, afghan, crochet, free lable This one is super simple and looks like it would be a good pattern to keep in mind for when you find you need a baby gift for a Saturday shower and it is now Thursday evening.... Baby yarn 1.75 oz skeins: 3 pink, 3 blue, 3 white Size Q crochet hook Gauge: 5sc = 3", 2 rows = 1" With one strand each of pink, blue & white, chain 61 st Row 1: work 1 sc in each ch across (60 st), ch 1 and turn Row 2: work 1 sc in each st across (60 st), ch 1 and turn Repeat row 2 until 60 rows have been worked, end off. Fringe: wind 3 strands (one of each color) around a 6" cardboard. Cut at one end. Use 9 strands of yarn (3 of each color) for every knot. Fold yarn pieces in half and pull loop through every other row along narrow edge of blanket, pull ends through loop to form fringe. Fringe opposite edge of blanket in same manner. Trim fringe evenly.