Puff Stitch Afghan Finished Size: Approx 53' x 72' Materials: Worsted weight yarn, approx. 65 oz. Crochet Hook: Size N ( or size needed for gauge) Gauge: Working dbl. strand, 9dc and 5 dc rows = 4' Note: Entire afghan is worked holding 2 strands of yarn together. Ch. 160 loosely. ROW 1: (Right side) Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across: 159 st. ROW 2: Ch 3 ( counts as first dc, now and throughout) turn, dc in next sc and in each sc across. ROWS 3-6: Ch 3, turn. dc in next dc and in each dc across. ROW 7: Ch 1, turn. sc in first 2 dc, ch 3, skip next 2 dc, work Puff St as follows: (YO, insert hook in next dc and pull up a 3/4' loop) 4 times, YO and draw through all 9 loops on hook, ch1 to close (Puff st. made), * ch 3, skip next 2 dc, sc in next dc, ch 3, skip next 2 dc, work Puff st: repeat from * across to last 4 dc, ch 3, skip next 2 dc, sc in last 2 dc: 26 Puff Sts. ROW 8: Ch 5, turn, 3 sc in first Puff St, * ch. 3, 3 sc in next Puff St: repeat from * across, ch 2, dc in last sc. ROW 9: Ch 1, turn, sc in first dc, sc in next 2 chs, * sc in next 3 sc, sc in next 3 chs; repeat from * across: 159 sc. REPEAT ROWS 2-9 until afghan measures approx 52' ending by working Row 6; do NOT finish off. EDGING Ch 1, sc evenly around afghan, working 3 sc in ea. corner; join with sl st to first sc. finish off.