By: Tammy Lawson Here is the block I selected for the next exchange. It's called garden patch. Essentially it's a 9 patch star! --------------------------------------------------------------- | A | A |\ \ | A | A | | (C1) | (C2) | \ B \ | (C1) | (C2) | |---------|--------| \ \ |----------|----------| | A | A | CR \ \ C | A | A | | (C2) | (C1) | \ | (C2) | (C1) | |---------|--------|--------------------|----------|----------| |/ C | A | A | CR \ | | / / | (C1) | (C2) | \ | | B / |---------|----------| \ \ B | | / / | A | A | \ \ | | / CR | (C2) | (C1) | C \ | |------------------|---------|----------|---------------------| | A | A | \ | A | A | | (C1) | (C2) | C \ \ CR | (C1) | (C2) | |---------|--------| \ \ |----------|----------| | A | A | \ B \ | A | A | | (C2) | (C1) | \ \ | (C2) | (C1) | |---------|--------|--------------------|----------|----------| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (draw these 2- 4" blocks to get templates) The block will be 12 1/2" including seam allowances. My drawing leaves much to be desired, but hopefully you will all get the gist of the patteren. Any of you who have the Electric Quilt program will find the block in there. I thaught it might be fun if we added a bit more of a challenge in here. I haven't seen anyone talking about drafting the blocks out. So for those of you willing to try this, here is what you do.. Draw the two bottom blocks to scale on paper. (8"wide x 4" long) Add the squares and the triangles and then cut out template. Add a 1/4" seam allowance to each piece and you are ready to go!! If any of you would like a *much* nicer pattern just let me know and I will mail you a copy. Lets use three colors and a background fabric. For "A" cut 10, 2 1/2" squares from both color 1 and color 2. For "B" cut 4, 4 1/2" isosceles triangles from background fabric ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (same measurement all 3 sides) For "C" and "CR" cut 4, and 4 revesed 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 5" right triangles for a total of 8 pieces from color 3. If you draft your own pattern you can make a template for the "CR" piece and then you won't have to cut the reversed pieces. If I have totaly confused anyone, please let me know, and I will try to clear it up for you. I hope you have fun with it and am waiting to here from you all.