Here's what some users have to say about TGE, the 256-colour version of TrueColour Graphics: "Grab The Graphics Engine (TGE). It works in all S/VGA resolutions with some quite amazing abilities for putting images on the screen. I'm writing a game in 640x480 in 256 colors, with an 800x600 game on the drawing board. This wouldn't be possible for me without TGE. The author, Matthew Hildebrand, has given nothing but the best in support for an already excellent product." "I combined these with TGE's (The Graphics Engine: Thank you Matthew Hildebrand!) super-fast and very configurable mouse functions to create a zoom box that allows me to expand the sets to any degree I like using any graphics mode I desire." "Yes! I have found this library to be extremely flexible and easy to use. And the author certainly is supportive. This is a must!" "... we also investigated Borland's BGI, but I must say that your system is very nice and also sources gave it a special attraction." "What I use now is called TGE ... and it is pretty damn fast, chief." "... we congratulate you for the quality of your TGE 1.31 library that we are using ..." "I recently got a shareware copy of your TGE 1.31 graphic engine. I must admit that it's a very well written, well documented graphic package." "I like what TGE has to offer ..." "I have followed the last betas of TGE towards 1.30, and my compliments on getting the final product out. I hope to be using TGE as graphics engine in the near future ..." "... I've found just the thing: The Graphics Engine, by Matthew Hildebrand."