BARREL a patch for DOOM by Matt Fell ( ============================================================================ You're playing DOOM again. Suddenly lightning strikes the building you are in, and some weird force hurtles you into the computer, where you find yourself wearing a green uniform and ... Wrong! That's the start of the doom movie :-). Here, you are merely surprised to discover that there are no monsters roaming around. Maybe your buddies didn't all die, it sure looks like they cleared out the whole area. But gee, there's a lot of barrels around... WHAT THIS IS: A patch for DOOM. It will modify the DOOM.EXE file to give the poor old defenseless barrels some bite, in a number of ways. Also, if you can play multiplayer, you should check it out (apply the patch to every machine playing). All of doom.wad is possible with this patch, even at Ultra-Violence. I've personally played through every level. If you find it difficult, save your game instead of cheating. DISCLAIMER: DOOM is a trademark of id Software. id WILL NOT give technical support for doom after you have modified it with this patch or any other. Do not bug them. I am not responsible for any problems that may occur as a result of using this patch. Use it at your own risk. YOU NEED: Dehacked v1.3 Doom registered v1.2 BEFORE USING: You should have a backup of your original DOOM.EXE file, registered version 1.2 is dated 2-17-94. This is because at some point in the future, you might want to put doom back to the way it was. If you use a lot of dehacked patches, you can also "save" a patch of the original doom, so that you can always load it back it to restore the pristine condition. HOW TO USE: 1. DEHACKED.EXE needs to be in your doom directory. Run it. 2. Do the "L" command (load). 3. Type "BARREL1.DEH" (or "[path]\BARREL1.DEH" if it's not in your doom directory). 4. Do the "W" command (write changes). 5. Hit ESC to exit. 6. Play DOOM. Multiplayer mode is highly recommended, but every machine needs to have this patch applied or there will be consistency errors. THANKS TO: Greg Lewis ( for the DEHACKED program Dan Lottero ( for editing FUN WITH DEHACKED WHERE TO GET THIS: alt.binaries.doom If a kind person uploads this to infant2, then it will be there also, at first in /pub/doom/incoming, later in /pub/doom/wads/doomhack. SPINOFFS: Feel free to make any modifications you want. But DO NOT widely distribute any patches that are based on this one. Please DO send suggestions or ideas. SEND COMMENTS!: Matt Fell (