========================================================================= Title: Medicine Man (MEDMAN27.WAD) Author: Kim Markworth Misc Author Info: Aged 30 years, (I sound like a wine,) graphic artist/systems analyst/DJ type who is more addicted to this game than any professional should be--and are there any other GIRLS out there who love this game? I think we're in the minority... WAD Description: Not much to say. Second WAD I've done. BADBLU34 was the first--nothing but a carnagefest. This one was a try at the special effects; if you love teleporters you'll like it. As you play, watch the map develop... Hence, the name. Additional Credits: ID, of course (I'd rather play 'em than make 'em) Matt T., for creating DOOMCad Carr T., for endlessly testing my WADs while he shakes his head and says, "Why don't you just let ID do it?" Touche. ========================================================================= PLAY INFORMATION Episode and Level: E2M7 -- (Appropriate music) Single Player: Yes Cooperative: No Death-Match: No Difficulty Settings: No (Not for beginners) New Sounds: No New Graphics: No --Maybe next time, if there IS a next time... Where in HELL is HELL ON EARTH?? CONSTRUCTION Base: New level from scratch Build Time: 35-40 hours (I lost track) Editor Used: DOOMCad Known Bugs: Some tight spots that may grab you; stay away from any corners that look too tight, (as the map fills in you'll understand,) or use IDSPISPOPD. COPYRIGHT / PERMISSION Authors may use this level as a base to create additional levels, (I'll probably even add to it.) This file is all yours; if anyone has an artistic map idea, let me know! WHERE TO GET THIS WAD: Software Creations BBS; ID Conference