============================================================================== VICTORY Thoroughbred Handicapping Program ============================================================================== VICTORY is a state-of-the-art handicapper for thoroughbreds. It is based upon principles from "Total Victory At The Track" by William L. Scott, augmented by several of my own new concepts. This archive should contain the following files: FILE_ID.DIZ A brief program description for use on bulletin boards. MANUAL.EXE The documentation manual, in a self-browsing format. README.TXT This overview text file. REGISTER.COM A small utility that prints a registration form. TD090194.VIC A sample saved results file from the registered version. VICSETUP.EXE A utility for customizing certain features of VICTORY. VICTORY.CFG A data file that stores the settings from VICSETUP. VICTORY.EXE The actual handicapping program. WHATSNEW.400 An overview of the new features in this version. To read the documentation manual (always a good way to get started), type MANUAL. From anywhere in the manual you can return to the menu (the "table of contents") by pressing "m". To run the handicapping program, type VICTORY. To customize certain features of VICTORY, run the program VICSETUP.EXE. (I strongly recommend that you stick with the default settings until you have become thoroughly familiar with the VICTORY program, however). To register your copy, turn on your printer and type REGISTER. Then just fill in the form and mail it (along with a check covering the registration fee) to the address indicated. Patrick J. Aiken 427 Lassiter Drive Highland Heights, OH 44143 ==============================================================================