Version Date Revisions/Changes ======= ======== =================================================== 2.00g 08/28/94 - FIXED FILE DATE File dates in 2.00f were accidently marked as 1984 instead of 1994. Whoops! - REVISION HISTORY FILE NOW INCLUDED The file HISTORY.TXT is now included to track changes in the program. 2.00f 08/27/94 - REVISED FOR NOVELL DOS (VIA OS FLAG IN CFG) Program now works with Novell DOS via a flag in the configuration file. The DIR commands in Microsoft DOS are not the same in NWDOS and the differences had to be accounted for. - NOW DELETES WORK FILES BEFORE EXITING All of the temporary work files are now being removed when the program is done. - REMOVED BEEP WHEN FINISHED The program is now completely silent. - NOW PASSING CFG FILE FROM COMMAND LINE Users can now optionally pass on the name of the configuration file to use. Will default to the "FPS-FRP.CFG" name if not otherwise given. - REMOVED DUPLICATE CODE A lot of duplicate code was removed. Program execution is now a lot faster. - REMOVED DELAY AT END OF EXECUTION The 5 second delay at when exiting the program has been removed. There are now *NO* delays of any type in the program. - CHANGED DISPLAY SCREEN FOR NEW OPTIONS Dislay screen now shows configuration file being used and the operating system flag selected. 1.10f 06/06/94 - REVISED TO FREEWARE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM With the first official release, I have changed the distribution method from ShareWare to FreeWare (copyrighted with all rights reserved). 1.00b 03/23/94 - FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE (Beta) - CHANGED DISPLAY SCREEN FOR NEW OPTIONS - CHANGED TIMER ROUTINES TO USE SYSTEM TIMER - MODIFIED TO ALLOW RANDOM FILE SELECTIONS - CLEANED UP THE CODE FOR SPEED - ADDED BASIC ERROR CHECKING