This is the readme.txt file for E-Teller 1.4 15 May 1994 Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Previous Users New Users File Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Installation - Previous Users ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A number of changes have been made in version 1.4. As a result, installation is a little more complex: 1) replace the existing VROBJ.DLL with the one in the archive. Version 1.4 requires the DLL for VX-Rexx 2.0a. 2) account file format has changed. To convert your account *.ini files (excluding ET_FIX and ET_FIXED), either drag them on to the FIXACCT.CMD file or pass the account *.ini filenames as command line parameters from an OS/2 window (one filename per invocation). 3) As a direct result of #2, the ET_FIX and ET_FIXED files must be converted, too. To convert these two files, simply start the FIX_FIX.CMD file (no parameter required). 4) Once you've converted both the account *.ini files, ET_FIX.INI and ET_FIXED.INI, and once you're satisfied that the conversion went well, you can delete the FIXACCT.CMD and FIX_FIX.CMD files. The best way to check the accuracy of the conversion on the account *.ini files is to load them into E-Teller. If you don't get an error message, then they were properly converted. For ET_FIX and ET_FIXED, you need only check the filenames in both INIs. Previously, the format was: [day of month] drive:\path\filename.ini = transaction(s) Now, that should read: [day of month] drive:\path\filename.clr = transaction(s) In other words, only the extension of the filename should have been changed. All else remains the same. 5) Because of an error in E-Teller 1.3, a useless entry was created in your OS2.INI file. To clean it up, first make a backup copy of the OS2.INI file (just in case) and run DEL_ERR.CMD. This Rexx script will not blindly change your OS2.INI file. It will prompt you before making *any* modification to the file. For your own peace of mind, DEL_ERR.CMD proceeds as follows: 1) Check for 'Main' entry in OS2.INI 2) If found, get the keys contained in 'Main' and list them. 3) List the keys that should be contained in 'Main' according to the error in E-Teller 1.3. 4) Ask user if 'Main' should be deleted. If no, 5) Ask the user if individual keys should be deleted. If yes, 6) Prompt user for each key. If told not to delete, show next. 6) Because the layout of E-Teller's main window has changed, and because the way in which window/object size, position, etc. is stored and read has changed, you will have to delete your current e-teller.ini file. If you don't, then the Accounts and Ledger containers will be improperly positioned. I considered including another small program to do this for you, but since the information contained in E-Teller.ini is not vital to its operation, I didn't see the point. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Installation - New Users ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To run E-Teller, you need, in addition to the files contained in this archive: 1) Rexx support installed (mandatory) 2) PMDCALC.EXE or other calculator program (optional). Install E-Teller by doing the following: 1) Put VROBJ.DLL in a directory specified by the libpath statement in your config.sys file. E-Teller 1.4 requires version 2.0a of Watcom's VROBJ.DLL, so if you already have a copy of VROBJ.DLL on your system, ensure that it does not predate the one contained in this archive. If it does, replace it. 2) Create a unique directory for E-Teller and copy the files (excluding VROBJ.DLL) in that directory. 3) Since you've never used E-Teller, you can delete the following files from the directory: o FIXACCT.CMD o FIX_FIX.CMD o DEL_ERR.CMD ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ File Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The archive should contain the following 18 files: etne.exe used by E-Teller (required) etrp.exe used by E-Teller (required) e-teller.exe E-Teller (required) et_month.exe used by E-Teller (required if you want to take advantage of the fixed transaction feature). ethlp.txt help text for E-Teller (optional) etprnhlp.txt help text for Report Printer (optional) q2et.txt instructions on converting Quicken data (optional) register.txt registration form readme.txt installation instructions (optional) new features in version 1.4 (optional) del_err.cmd used to delete a useless entry in OS2.INI (optional) fixacct.cmd used to convert account *.ini files from version 1.x to 1.4 (optional) fix_fix.cmd used to convert the ET_Fix and ET_Fixed ini files from version 1.3 to 1.4 (optional) q2et.cmd used to convert Quicken data to E-Teller format (crude and optional) e-teller.ico E-Teller's icon (optional) bank.ico used by E-Teller to represent bank accounts (optional) ccard.ico used by E-Teller to represent credit card accounts (optional) vrobj.dll required VX-Rexx DLL