THIS TEXT REPRESENTS THE PRE-HELP TEXT DOCUMENT WHICH CAN BE CONVERTED USING RTFGEN BY L. DAVID BALDWIN. \docstart` \topic Introduction` \keyword introduction;contents` \title Introduction` \browse General` ==================== \b\fs24 BARONA REGRESSION EQUATION ESTIMATED PREMORBID IQ` \bmc c:\ndw\iq.bmp` \b\fs18 by` \b\fs20 Paul A. Gore, Jr.` \b\fs16 Copyright 1994` \b\fs24 Introduction` The Barona Regression Equation program was designed to facilitate the calculation of pre-morbid estimated IQ's using a demographically based regression equation provided by Barona et al. Please refer to the following reference for details on the generation and use of this regression formula:` Barona,A., Reynolds,C.R., & Chastain,R. (1984). A demographically based index of premorbid intelligence for the WAIS-R. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 885-887.` This version (1.1) was developed and compiled in Turbo Pascal for Windows version 1.5 for operation in a Windows environment using object windows, dialogs, menus, and the windows help facilities.` [What you'll need:Requirements]` [Installation:installation]` [Operation:dataentry]` [Summary and Contacting the Author:contacting]` [Disclaimer and Policy:disclaim]` ----------------------- \topic Requirements` \keyword what you'll need` \title What You'll Need` \browse General` ================== \b\fs24 What You'll Need` In addition to the distribution disk provided, you will need Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 running in standard or enhanced mode. A copy of the Barona paper describing the generation of the regression equation and its use would also be helpful.` Help with various aspects of the regression equation is provided via the help menu (keyword [Operation:dataentry]) but is not yet available during the data-entry process. Please read this section now to avoid problems during the data entry process.` ------------------------ \topic installation` \keyword installation` \title Installation` \browse General` ==================== \b\fs24 Installation` To install the Barona program simply place the distribution disk in the appropriate drive; in windows program manager (or equivalent shell) select File|Run and then type in the full path designation and install (i.e., b:\\install if your distribution disk is in drive b:` The installation program will copy the appropriate files to your hard drive and will place them in a subdirectory named "IQ". It will also generate a program group in Program Manger called IQ and will establish an icon for the Barona program. To run the Barona program after installation, simply double click on its program icon.` If you distribute copies of this program to colleagues, please provide all files on the distribution disk in their original form.` ------------------------- \topic dataentry` \keyword operation` \title Operation` \browse General` ======================== \b\fs24 Operation` Initializing the Barona program will bring up a main window with two menu selections. The Start selection allows you to select between calculating an estimated IQ for a patient (start program) and exiting the program. The Help selection allows you to bring up this help file or get version information for this program.` To enter a patient's data, select Start|Run Program. This will initiate a series of dialog boxes which require input from the user. \b\fs18 NOTE: You must enter each field to generate a valid IQ estimate. When completed, the estimated Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ's will be presented. You are free to calculated multiple IQ's in a session by simply selecting Start|Run Program again and again.` Gender: self-explanatory` Age: self-explanatory` Race: The original regression equation based on the 1981 standardization sample for the WAIS-R included only three ethnic groups (African American, Other, and Caucasian).` Education: self-explanatory` Work: Not in the labor force: "This category corresponds to homemakers, full-time students, persons unemployed for reasons of health, retired persons, and others not actively seeking employment."` Enter the patient's work category based on their current work status.` Region: Region, according to the original Barona paper, corresponds to their current living situation (i.e., persons living in Chicago would be classified as North Central).` Residence: Residence relates to current living situation (i.e., persons living in Salt Lake City would be classified as Urban).` To leave the program, simply select Start|Exit` --------------------------------------- \topic Contacting` \keyword summary` \title Summary and Contacting the Author` \browse General` ========================= \b\fs24 Summary: Contacting the Author` This program was designed to be used by qualified professionals in the practice of providing psychological services. It is not intended as a substitute for formally established IQ's using recognized testing procedures and should NOT be used as such. Familiarity with the original paper describing the techniques used to establish the regression equation and familiarity with regression techniques is encouraged to fully understand the limits of estimated IQ's using this procedure. The regression formula used in this program generates IQ's with the following Standard Errors:` Verbal Scale IQ 11.79` Performance Scale IQ 13.23` Full Scale IQ 12.14` I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you have on this version of the Barona program. You can contact me at:` Paul A. Gore, Jr.` 740 East 300 South Apt 104` Salt Lake City, UT 84102` Email:`` ----------------------------------- \topic disclaim` \keyword disclaimer and policy` \title Disclaimer and Policy` \browse General` ============================== \b\fs24 Disclaimer and Policy` This software claims no warranty, implied or otherwise. This software is provided "AS IS". The author claims no responsibility for any damages that might be caused by the use or abuse of this software. This software remains the property of the author. This software may not be modified in any way.` This software is provided as "freeware" which means that you are free to distribute this disk and all of its contents to other professionals with no charge.` Special thanks to Kurt Barthelmess for his assistance on technical problems in the design of this program.` -------------------- \docend`