12:00PM 07/12/94 Well, here it is, the second official issue of Turbo Pascal Conference Magazine. The response I got since the first issue has been tremendous! It just goes to show how widely used and how little supported Turbo Pascal really is! It is my desire to make every issue of TPCM a little bit better than the last one. For this I need your suggestions and comments. Please write me for general or specific comments about what you like/dislike about TPCM or what you would like to see in the upcoming issues. Some of the reader's suggestions have been to create a magazine reader, test all TP code included in the magazine, include a "Letters to the Editor" section, and more. I am bouncing these ideas around in my head and you can expect to see something from them in the next few issues. I have marked all code (t) - (untested) - when the author specifically states that this piece of code hasn't been tested. TPCM July 1994 includes somewhat less code than you can normally expect to find due to my imminent vacation back home to Wisconsin in the last half of July. TPCM has picked up it's first official Release BBS: Source Code BBS (302)995-6910 Fido: 1:150/170 Thanks to John Reid (SysOp) for climbing aboard the TPCM wagon! Just a quick word about Fido message length. The rules of the Fido Pascal Echo (see file FIDORULE.TXT) state that messages must be 200 lines or less. By the time the messages get to me, however, any message greater than 124 lines gets chopped off! ARGH! At least in the Rime conference, excessive lines get posted as message part 2. Thanks, just wanted to complain. Thanks to everyone who took an interest in the first issue! Keep your letters coming! -William Rozmiarek, editor Turbo Pascal Conference Magazine