Welcome to Turbo Pascal Conference Magazine. A magazine dedicated to spreading the joy of Pascal programming. This magazine is the result of becoming overwhelmed with the amount of information that is presented over the many echoed conferences. I was receiving over 500 messages per week and most of the useful code either became overlooked or scattered about my hard drive and lost. This magazine will attempt to select only the best source code and hints from each month. Twice each year, there will be a special edition of TPCM, listing all the source code and hints that have appeared in TPCM up to that point. I suggest that you read README.1ST for a brief description of each file included in this month's Turbo Pascal Conference Magazine. Please read CODETBL.TXT for an in-depth definition of each .PAS file. All source code files are listed as CODEXXX.PAS and are ready to run (except for unseen coding errors) any comments have been left in and bracketed {} for code clarification. I have also left in the tag line area as a small plug for the participating BBS's.