Miracles of Jesus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nature Miracle | Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turing water into wine | | | | 2:1-11 | Feeding of five thousand | 14:15-21| 6:35-44 | 9:12-17 | 6:5-15 | Stilling the storm | 8:23:27 | 4:35-41 | 8:22-25 | | Walking on the sea | 14:22-33| 6:45-52 | | 6:16-21 | Providing tax money in fish's mouth | 17:24-27| | | | Feed of four thousand | 15:32-39| 8:1-9 | | | Withering of fig tree | 21:17-22| 11:12-14| | | | | 20-25| | | First catch of fish | | 5:1-11 | | | Second catch of fish | | | | 21:1-14 | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing Miracle | Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing of nobleman's son at Cana | | | | 4:46-54 | Restoring sight of blind man at | | | | | Bethsaida | | 8:22-26 | | | Restoring sight of man born blind | | | | 9:1-41 | Raising of Lazarus | | | | 11:1-45 | Curing of demon-possessed man (men) | 8:28-34 | 5:1-20 | 8:26-39 | | Raising of Jairus's daughter | 9:18-26 | 5:22-24,| 8:41-42,| | | | 35-43 | 49-56 | | Healing of invalid at Bethesda | | | | 5:1-18 | Curing of woman with twelve-year | | | | | bleeding | 9:20-22 | 5:25-34 | 8:43-48 | | Restoring of paralytic at Capernaum | 9:1-8 | 2:1-12 | 5:17-26 | | Curing of leper near Gennesaret | 8:1-4 | 1:40-45 | 5:12-15 | | Healing of Peter's mother-in-law | 8:14-17 | 1:29-31 | 4:38-39 | | Restoring of withered hand | 12:9-14 | 3:1-6 | 6:6-11 | | Healing of child with demon | 17:14-20| 9:14-29 | 9:37-43 | | Restoring blind and dumb demoniac | 12:22 | | 11:14 | | Giving sight to two blind men | 9:27-31 | | | | Healing of dumb demoniac | 9:32-34 | | | | Healing of deaf-mute | | 7:1-37 | | | Restoring sight to blind Bartimaeus | 20:29-34| 10:46-52| 18:35-43| | Healing Syro-Phoenician girl | 15:21-28| 7:24-30 | | | Healing centurion's servant | 8:5-13 | | 7:1-10 | | Restoring demon-possessed man in | | | | | synagogue | | 1:23-27 | 4:33-36 | | Raising son of widow of Nain | | | 7:11-16 | | Restoring woman crippled for | | | | | eighteen years | | | 13:10-17| | Healing a man with dropsy | | | 14:1-6 | | Healing ten men with leprosy | | | 17:11-19| | Restoring of Malchus's ear | | | 22:49-51| 18:10-11| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------