Installing PenCalc 1.1 and/or KeyCalc 1.1 ========================================= You received one or more of the following compressed files (*.ZIP) with the indicated contents: Contents: Support_Files PENCALC.EXE PENCNTRL.VBX VBRUN300.DLL KEYCALC.EXE *.ZIP file ---------- SSPC11.ZIP X X S2PC11.ZIP X X X S3PC11.ZIP X X X X SSKC11.ZIP X X S2KC11.ZIP X X X SSXC11.ZIP X X X X X VBRUN300.ZIP X You may also have received other files. Copy all received files into a new directory on your hard disk. If you received your files on a diskette from StuPENdous Software, decompress the *.ZIP files by running INSTALL.BAT from within the new directory (see note below); otherwise, decompress the *.ZIP files using version 2.04G, or later, of PKUNZIP from PKWARE. Both PenCalc 1.1 and KeyCalc 1.1 need to have VBRUN300.DLL in the \WINDOWS directory (move it there). PenCalc 1.1 also needs PENCNTRL.VBX in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. These two files are from Microsoft's Visual Basic for Windows. Be sure not to overwrite newer versions of these files that you may already have. In the Windows Program Manager create a Program Group for PenCalc 1.1 and/or KeyCalc 1.1. From the File Manager, drag the program (*.EXE) and help (*.HLP) files into the new Program Group. Change the command line property of the program icon(s) to add " {all.wds} Load" at the end (without the quotes, but with the initial space). This will automatically load all predefined Action Words, including the required System Words, into the calculator when you double tap/click the program icon. (If you will not be using some of the predefined words, you can edit the *.wds files to exclude them. But be sure and load all the System Words as these are core words for PenCalc 1.1 and KeyCalc 1.1.) The file "tests.txt" contains calculation strings that were used to test PenCalc 1.1 and KeyCalc 1.1. They can also be used as examples of how to use PenCalc 1.1 and KeyCalc 1.1. The file "ssxc11.ex1" shows a couple of methods that you could use to set up PenCalc 1.1 and KeyCalc 1.1 to do recurring calculations. The files "*.ABS" are short descriptions (abstracts) of the corresponding "*.ZIP" files. They are intended for use by BBS's as library abstracts describing the "*.ZIP" files that they may upload to their libraries. BBS'S MUST NOT UPLOAD OR OTHERWISE DISTRIBUTE VBRUN300.DLL AS A SEPARATE FILE! THAT'S NOT ALLOWED BY MICROSOFT! IT MUST BE INCLUDED WITHIN A COMPRESSED APPLICATION FILE OR ON AN APPLICATION DISKETTE! ------------- Note: StuPENdous Software's INSTALL.BAT file uses Info-ZIP's decompression utility UNZIP.EXE. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various bulletin board services and anonymous-ftp sites, including CompuServe's IBMPRO forum (library 10, Data Compression) and*.