Graphics 5 parameters Display of signal filter ³SIGNAL³ 6³FL29³ Domain frequency time³ TIME³ 9³FL29³ Coordinates (see above) r p pl f c ³ R³ 2³FL29³ Array A() B() or both a b ab ³ AB³ 2³FL29³ Eye diagram y n ³ N³ 1³FL29³ Edition of arrays 3 parameters Signal Filter ³SIGNAL³ 6³FL20³ Signal domain Time Frequency ³ TIME³ 9³FL20³ Coordinates R P PL ³ R³ 2³FL20³ Stock 3 parameters Write Write+ Read Read+ Write* Write/ Read* Read/³ ³ 6³FL00³ File name ³ ³ 8³DOS ³ Comment ³ ³52³ ³ Loop 10 parameters Variable to be incremented (# module , # param.) ³ , ³ 5³CO02³ Initial value ³ ³10³CHIF³ Final value ³ ³10³CHIF³ Step ³ ³10³CHI0³ Result #1 to be displayed (# module , # result) ³ , ³ 5³CO02³ Result #2 to be displayed (# module , # result) ³ , ³ 5³CO02³ Result #3 to be displayed (# module , # result) ³ , ³ 5³CO02³ Duration of the pause between passages ³ 5 ³ 2³ENT+³ s Graphics yes no ³ NO³ 3³FL13³ Display: Nb. of caracters (principal , decimal) ³ 9,9³ 5³CO02³ Memory 0 parameters Interference Reduction Factor 2 parameters Downstream Upstream ³UPSTREAM³10³FL00³ Frequency shift ³ ³10³CHIF³UF Spectral density 7 parameters Measuring bandwidth unit Hz kHz MHz GHz ³ kHz³ 3³fl31³ Measuring bandwidth, expressed in the above unit ³ 4³10³CH+0³ Computation bandwidth, expressed in the same unit³ 400³10³CH+0³ 0 dB reference power, in Watts ³ 5³10³CH+0³ Number of frequencies, from 1 to 16 ³ 2³ 2³EN+0³ Differences from central frequency (next line) ³ ³ ³ ³ ! ³0,10³64³ ! ³UF Filter initiation 0 parameters Raised cosine filter 4 parameters Bandwidth (near 1/T if digital modulation) ³ 10³10³CH+0³UF Roll-off coefficient ³ 50³ 3³ENT+³ % Percentage of total roll-off ³ 50³ 3³EN+0³ % Filter included in noise BW (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ Gaussian filter 2 parameters 3 dB RF bandwidth ³ 10³10³CH+0³UF Filter included in noise BW (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ Calculated filter 8 parameters Type : Butterworth Tchebycheff Anti-Tcheby ³BUTTERWORTH³11³FL07³ Number of poles Np ³ 5³ 2³EN+0³ RF 3 dB bandwidth B3dB ³ 10³10³CHI+³UF RF equiriple bandwidth BEqRip [2,3] ³ 10³10³CHI+³UF Ripple <3dB if [2], or rejection >3dB if [3] ³ ³10³CHI+³dB Central frequency Fo ³ 0³10³CHI+³UF With_GD GD0 No_GD ³NO_GD³ 7³FL00³ Filter included in noise BW (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ Filter defined point per point 3 parameters File name, without extension .FIL (999 : liste) ³ DUMMY³ 8³ DOS³ Filter included in noise BW (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ No_GD GD0 With_GD ³ WITH_GD³ 7³FL00³ Subsidiary filtering 6 parameters Filtering type ALin AQua TLin TQua GRot ³GROT³ 4³FL20³ Radio frequency or baseband rf bb ³ RF³ 2³FL33³ Linear or quadratic coefficient ³ ³10³CHIF³ Gain, in dB ³ 0³10³CHIF³ dB Phase shift, in degrees ³ 90³10³CHIF³degree Filter included in noise BW (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ TWT 2 parameters File name, without .TWT extension (999: list) ³SAT³ 8³ DOS³ Input attenuator value ³ 0³10³CHIF³dB Limiter 2 parameters Limitation level L in dB, from -999 to +60 ³0³ 10³CHIF³dB Amplification by - L - 20 Log 4/ã (y/n) ³y³ 1³YYNN³ Shift 3 parameters Shift in time frequency ³ TIME³ 9³FL12³ Value of time shift ³ ³10³CHIF³UT Value of frequency shift ³ ³10³CHIF³UF Interferences 9 parameters File (f) or entries on keyboard (k) ³ K³ 1³ULET³ Number of interferers ³ 4³ 2³CH+0³ Enter frequency differences next line: ³ ³ ³ ³ ! ³,,, ³64³ ! ³UF Enter attenuations next line: ³ ³ ³ ³ ! ³,,, ³64³ ! ³dB Enter delays next line: ³ ³ ³ ³ ! ³,,, ³64³ ! ³UT File name, without .PER extension (999 : List) ³DUMMY³ 8³ DOS³ Butler matrix 7 parameters Upstream (1) ou downstream (2) matrix ³ 1³ 1³ 12³ Name of input files, without extension .SIG ³ A³ 8³ DOS³ Name of output files (upstream only) ³ B³ 8³ DOS³ Order of matrix (4, 8, 16) ³ 4³ 2³EN+0³ If downstream matrix, output number ³ 0³ 2³ENT+³ Name of TWT file, without extension .TWT (999: list)³SAT³ 8³ DOS³ Input attenuation ³ 0³10³CHIF³dB Gaussian noise 3 parameters Carrier to noise ratio C/N ³ 7.32³ 10³CHIF³dB in rf bandwidth ³ 10³ 10³CH+0³UF Re-initiation yes no ³ YES³ 3³FL18³ Modif. frame/modulation 6 parameters Value to be added to A() ³-1³ 10³CHIF³ Factor to multiply A() ³ 1³ 10³CHIF³ Rotation of axis A() ³ 0³ 10³CHIF³degree Value to be added to B() ³-1³ 10³CHIF³ Factor to multiply B() ³ 1³ 10³CHIF³ Rotation of axis B() ³ 0³ 10³CHIF³degree Digital modulator 9 parameters Modulation type : AM QAM PM ³ QAM³ 3³FL26³ If QAM : offset no ³ NO³ 6³FL26³ If PM : k_2k lin sinus no ³ NO³ 5³FL26³ Number of levels (AM, QAM), nb. of phases (PM) ³ 4³ 2³EN+0³ Symbol rate, in X bauds ³ 10³10³CH+0³UF Nb. of symbols Ns in the frame (divisor of N) ³ 16³ 4³EN+0³ Symbols sequence: pseu rand file cont isol step ³ PSEU³ 4³FL20³ File name (999 : list) ³ STEP³ 8³ULET³ Spectrum : flat sinX/X ³ FLAT³ 9³FL23³ Coherent demodulation 6 parameters RF noise bandwidth (if 999, noise BW is computed) ³ 999³10³CH+0³ UF Optimisation method fast precise ³FAST³ 7³FL31³ Theoretical BER (0 if 999) ³1D-4³10³CH+0³ Phase-shift to apply to signal. If 999, optimal Ph.Sh. ³ 999³10³CHIF³degree Delay to apply to signal. If 999, optimal delay ³ 999³10³CHIF³ UT Gain to apply to signal. If 999, optimal gain ³ 999³10³CHIF³ dB Bit Error Rate 2 parameters K1 = - 10 * Log (Maximum BER) Nota : K1<=K2³ 2³ 2³EN+0³ K2 = - 10 * Log (Minimum BER) Nota : K2<16 ³ 8³ 2³EN+0³ Whitening filter 2 parameters Value of K (1 if modulator, Nss if digital filter)³ 1³ 2³EN+0³ Filter included in noise BW (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ Differential demodulation 0 parameters Two rays model 4 parameters Selectivity = -20 log (1 - Ro) ³ 10³10³CHI+³ Relative delay of second ray ³ 6.3³10³CHIF³UT Notch frequency / central frequency ³ 0³10³CHIF³UF GD0 with_GD ³ GD0³ 8³FL00³ Auto-adaptative equalizer 10 parameters Upstream/Downstream number of coef. (sum<14) ³ 3,3³ 5³CO02³ Recursive downstream part Yes No ³ YES³ 3³FL33³ Type of algorythm A1 A2 N1 N2 ³ A1³ 2³FL33³ Error Estimated Real³ESTIMATED³ 9³FL33³ Increment. step: Coef. , 20 log(1-Ro), To ³ .02,1,3³20³CO03³ Number of frames allowed for convergence ³ 10³ 3³EN+0³ For AM and QAM, symbols on Periphery All ³ ALL³ 9³FL33³ Signature : Acq. Hold No ³ NO³ 4³FL33³ RMS error in % , RoLogMax ³ 10,30³20³CO02³ Include in Noise bandwidth Yes No ³ NO³ 3³FL33³ Transversal filter 9 parameters Rolloff File ³ROLLOFF³ 7³FL00³ Name of file (999 : List) ³ DUMMY³ 8³ DOS³ Number of upstream and downstream coeff. ³ 10³ 3³EN+0³ Nb. of coeff. quantizing bits (1 to 30, or 999) ³ 8³ 3³EN+0³ Nb. of samples per symbol Nss (divisor of NechSymb)³ 2³ 2³EN+0³ Roll-off coefficient ³ 50³ 3³ENT+³% Percentage of total roll-off ³ 50³ 3³EN+0³% Included in noise bandwidth Yes No ³ NO³ 3³FL35³ Filter: analog digital dig_hold ³ ANALOG³ 8³FL08³ Quantization 2 parameters Number of quantizing bits k (1 to 30) ³ 8³ 3³EN+0³ Dynamic Dyn ³ 1.4³10³CH+0³ Power K 5 parameters Multiplication Division ³MULTIPLICATION³14³FL00³ by K (integer) ³ 4³ 2³EN+0³ sampled (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ limiter (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ envelope (y/n) ³ N³ 1³YYNN³ Sine and DC steps 7 parameters Initial sine phase Phio ³ 90³10³CHIF³degree Sine frequency Fs ³4.43³10³CH+0³ UF Peak to peak sine amplitude Ac ³ .1³10³CH+0³ Volt Nb. of sine periods per step Nbsin = 2^k, óN/4 ³ 8³ 4³EN+0³ Number of steps Npa (Nbsin x Npa = divisor of N/4)³ 8³ 4³EN+0³ Level of lower voltage step PalMin ³ 0.3³10³CHIF³ Volt Level of higher voltage step PalMax ³ 1³10³CHIF³ Volt Pre/deemphasis 4 parameters preemph. deemph. ³PREEMPH.³ 8³FL00³ DC gain (preemph. ³ -11³10³CHIF³dB Parameter Tau of formula ³ 508.5³10³CH+0³UT Parameter Alpha of formula ³ 5³10³CH+0³ Frequency modulator 3 parameters Coupling mode AC DC ³ AC³ 2³FL20³ Input voltage corresponding to central frequency ³ 0³10³CHIF³Volt Modulation sensitivity ³ 8³10³CHIF³UF/V Frequency demodulator 0 parameters Differential gain/phase 0 parameters