Sun 24 Jul 94 By: David Adamson To: Christian Skovdal Re: MD_DATE.ZIP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How can I in a batchfile make a directory with the name of the date? > Example: > C:\backup\160794 > C:\backup\150794 > C:\backup\140794 > etc... > That will mean I can make backup every day and then have directories > with the backupped files so I can easily a backup from a certain > date. This program will insert the date into the environment as DATE=YrMoDa where Yr is the year, Mo is the month, and Da is the date. The order is year,month,day so sort programs will show the dates as ascending. a sample batch file usage would be, MD_DATE md c:\backUp\%DATE% This program has not been extensively tested. Determine its suitability for you use before committing it to unattended use.