áeta árothers Software 143 N. Main (15-1) Blanding, UT 84511 TROD Shareware v1.0 Transfer, Rename, Or Delete in other words TROD. The Program TROD uses the most advanced programming available to rename those pesky files with spaces. Even An Experienced Dos Uses has trouble getting those files deleted. But who wants to delete a file!! Our program will let you rename it. Unless I have not been informed of a new command or extra parameters, DOS Can't rename a file with spaces in it. These examples show you the power of TROD... Rename the file (READ ME.TXT) to README.TXT This can be Renamed by Typing TROD READ~ME.TXT /r:README.TXT If you don't need the file (GO AWAY.DOC) you can Delete it by typing TROD GO~AWAY.DOC /d Rename and Transfer the file (NOT HERE.CFG) to the root directory by typing TROD NOT~HERE.CFG /r:C:\NOTHERE.CFG By inserting a path before the new file name it will be Transferred to that path and Delete the old file (NOT HERE.CFG) You may Transfer a file by typing TROD MOVE.TXT /r:C:\MOVE.TXT this will Transfer the file (MOVE.TXT) to the root directory and Delete the old file in it's old location. You CAN expect more helpful programs from the áeta árothers Software Team (ááS). Due to our lack of supplies and resources a donation would help. With registration your money will go to programs that will entertain, help, and inform. These future programs will be accessible on major BBSs if (and we say IF) enough people will either register or send donations. áeta árothers Software is a versatile programming group involved in games, utilities, and personal requests. With the combined mental powers of Bryan Lyman and Nate Jones, we are able to handle the most complex programming problems. With Registration you may request a Personal program that we will code for a minimal expense. We will give you updates of future programs. Expenses will be settled in advance until an agreement has been reached. The term ááS is in no way associated with the term BBS standing for Bulletin Board Service. ááS stands for áeta árothers Software. Our program comes with the file (OUR TROD.TRY) to test the ability of TROD on your system, type the following: TO DELETE: TROD OUR~TROD.TRY /D TO RENAME: TROD OUR~TROD.TRY /R:OURTROD.TRY TO TRANSFER: TROD OUR~TROD.TRY /R:C:\OURTROD.TRY ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ áeta árothers Software ³ ³ SIMPLY THE BEST! ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ