You've just downloaded the new Excalibur MS-Windows Terminal .64beta! This is the new Windows GUI software that really lighting up modems all over the nation as Windows very first tru GUI BBBS online software! Now you can upload, download, chat, ad to you download 'que', scroll entire directories, ALL AT THE SAME TIME in the Windows graphical environment! Fast? Yes because Excalibur uses special online packet high speed transfer of information and full mouse driven button screens, it runs FASTER THAN ANY CONVENTIONAL ASCII, ANSI, or RIP, or even ROBO BBS system! This file was assembled as a complete kit for you to get up and running on this dynamic software by Chicago's most popular MS-Windows dedicated BBS online system, Heath Biotechnology Online(tm)! Files included in this kit: EXCALTRM.EXE Main Excalibur self installing terminal program- just run this using Program Manager's or File Manager's File|Run commands... the rest is easy. EXCALIBR.HLP Special online help file made by Roger Heath... copy this to your Excalibur Terminal directory and then you may access this information through the Terminal's Help| Index commands... includes complete Excalibur BBS List! FILE_ID.DIZ PC-Board style ZIP description file. If you have any problems or questions with these files just call our regular BBS at 708-595-0929 with your regular modem program and leave the Sysop a message... Roger Heath Heath Biotechnology Online(tm) Modem Number = 708-729-2902 "Chicago's MS-Windows and Biotechnology Authority." (sm)