Font Control v1.0 The Type1 and TrueType font installer for Windows 3.1 Program & documentation written by Steven Fox Copyright (c) 1994 by Leaping Lizards Font Control is a trademark of Leaping Lizards 8/8/94 Read the FONTCTRL.HLP file for information about what Font Control is. * HOW TO INSTALL: Copy ALL the files in the FONTCL10.ZIP archive into a single directory. Use Program Manager or File Manager to run the program called SETUP.EXE. If you just want to check out Font Control, and don't want it littering files all over your system, tick the "Check it out" box. If you later decide you don't want to use Font Control all you have to do is delete the directory SETUP.EXE installed Font Control in to "uninstall" it. Font Control requires approximately 2 Mb of hard disk space; 1 Mb for the program files, and between 500 Kb and 1 Mb of space for the font database which Font Control creates. * SETUP.EXE CAN'T INSTALL The #1 common problem: You don't have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL in your system. You can obtain a copy of this file from where you obtained this copy of Font Control. If for some other reason SETUP.EXE won't install Font Control in your computer, use Program Manager or File Manager to run FONTCTRL.EXE and start Font Control. * FONT CONTROL WON'T RUN, OR LOOKS WIERD WHEN IT RUNS: Run the SETUP.EXE program again, and this time tick the "Check it out" box. This will, hopefully, overcome the problems you are having with other incompatible files on your computer. * PRODUCT SUPPORT (registered and unregistered): E-mail address: * HOW TO REGISTER: This program is shareware. It costs a mere $25 to register. You can register Font Control using Master Card, Visa, American Express, or Discover, from Public (software) Library (PsL), a very reputable, and well established, shareware distributor which offers a registration service to us shareware authors. You can also send them a cheque by regular mail, make the cheque out to "Public (software) Library", not to Leaping Lizards. Toll-free (voice): 1-800-2424-PSL Outside the US (voice): 1-713-524-6394 Fax: 1-713-524-6398 CompuServe E-Mail: 71355,470 Internet E-Mail: Regular mail: Public (software) Library P.O.Box 35705 Houston, TX 77235-5705 THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE FOR ORDERS ONLY. Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc., must be directed to Steven Fox at Leaping Lizards (send me e-mail please). Please don't call PsL for anything except registering or ordering. PsL will notify me by e-mail the day of your order, and I will send your registration directly to you from Taiwan either by regular mail, or by e-mail (be sure to give them your e-mail address). Please allow 2-4 days for delivery by e-mail, 2-4 weeks for delivery by regular mail (don't forget, it's coming from Taiwan so it may take a while). * COPYRIGHT & DISTRIBUTION: Font Control and this documentation were written by Steven Fox, who is the sole owner of this piece of intellectual copyright, and who will not accept any responsibility if Font Control destroys your computer. Shareware vendors and publishers MUST examine the accompanying file, VENDOR.TXT, before distributing Font Control. Free distribution is most important to the success of Font Control. If you like Font Control and have a modem, please do everyone a favor and upload the unaltered FONTCL10.ZIP to as many sites or BBS systems as you possibly can. Even if you don't like Font Control, spread it around. Your efforts will be much appreciated by everyone.