This the Registration System design by Kimberly Fee, Sam Howell, Chris Rusanowski, and Colin Smith. It has been released as public domain. The files should be distributed as one ZIP file unmodified in any way. The ZIP will contain the following files: REGIST.MDB - The actual Microsoft Access Database TITLE.DOC - The title page of the User Manual TABCONT.DOC - The Table of Contents for the User Manual TABFIG.DOC - The Table of Figure for the User Manual * INTRO.DOC - An introduction to our program highlighting some features CHAPTER1-4.DOC - The meat of the User Manual APPEND.DOC, APPENDB.DOC - Title pages for the Appendixes PROGMAN.DOC - A programmer's reference of our object in the database CLTITLE.DOC - Title page for the Client Report CLTABCON.DOC - Table of Contents for the Client Report CLREPORT.DOC - The Client Report README.TXT - This File MANUAL.TXT - A ASCII version of the documentation (not pretty) The INTRO.DOC file contains a brief summary that sells the product. CHAPTER1.DOC contains installation directions and a description of the problem, directly concerning our client. All documentation was done using Wordperfect 6.0 and left in that format. There is a text version called MANUAL.TXT, but this lacks the figures and some formatting. The Registration System requires a computer running Windows 3.x and Microsoft Acces 1.0 or better. It also requires about 1.7 MB disk space. ENJOY!!!!! Kimberly Fee Sam Howell Chris Rusanowski Colin Smith