Bug fixes and enhancements Version 1.57 ======================================== Fixed: Compare feature didn't work with Directory Tree Display. Bug fixes and enhancements Version 1.56 ======================================== Fixed: Using a mask with duplicate file search was broke. Fixed: On File List display, mask searches could generate multiple identical items in the list if they matched multiple pattern mask. Bug fixes and enhancements Version 1.55 ======================================== Fixed: One or more blank entries were displayed in the file list box on a Directory Map when the number of files was high (500 or more). Fixed: Attempting to print a list of all duplicate files resulted in an error. Fixed: Attempting to print a list of duplicate files where the file name began with a numeric field resulted in an error. Fixed: An error would occur if no duplicate files were found using the search parameters (error 364). Enhancement: Miscellaneous Options screen revamped to conform to new Windows95 look as well as providing additional runtime options. Enhancement: Windows remaining resource and memory display is now an option resulting in a minor performance increase throughout the program. Enhancement: The presence of file version and type information on Directory Map Files hard copy Report is now controlled by setting File Detection option (in Miscellenous Options) to ON. Enhancement: File version and type information is now included on Duplicate File Reports and is controlled by setting File Detection option (in Miscellenous Options) to ON. Enhancement: File version and type information is now included on Extension Reports and is controlled by setting File Detection option (in Miscellenous Options) to ON. Enhancement: File list printing from Directory Map now can be limited by highlighing more than one file. Enhancement: New report. File List can be created across multiple disk drives using a set of search filters (i.e. Searching for *.VBX and *.DLL). Enhancement: New report. Activity LogFile is maintained to show all file deletes, moves, and copies by the program. Enhancement: All list boxes have been replaced with spreadsheet like columns which can be sorted quickly and easily by selecting a column and pressing a sort button. Enhancement: Duplicate files and Extensions displays now have file counts and cummulative sizes listed in sortable columns along side each item of the occurances list. Enhancement: All limitiations regarding number of items in a list have been eliminated. Limitiations are now based on physical and virtual memory.