TRAXTIME 1.6 Copyright 1994 Spud City Software Co. All rights reserved BRIEF PROGRAM DESCRIPTION TraxTime performs like a personal punch clock. It allows you to track the time you spend on different projects by punching in and out as you work. You can then create time reports with as much (or as little) detail as you want. It's simple interface is easy to learn. We suggest that you go through the three-minute tutorial that's in the HELP file. The HELP file can be accessed via TraxTime's pull-down menu. MANAGER'S VERSION A manager's version of TraxTime is also available. It looks and performs exactly like the regular version, except that it allows you to read data created by other TraxTime users, and develop comprehensive reports combining everybody's time data. IMPORTANT UPGRADE INFORMATION (version 1.0 users only) If you are currently using TraxTime version 1.0, then you need to convert your data into the new format. To do this, you need our utility named MDB2ISAM. You can find this free utility on CompuServe, Channel 1 BBS, and Exec-PC BBS under the name RETRAX.ZIP. If you are a user of version 1.0 you MUST use the MDB2ISAM utility before you install this new version of TraxTime, or your serial number will change (making your registration code invalid). INSTALLATION To run TraxTime 1.6 successfully, your computer needs the following: * Windows 3.1 or above * VBRUN300.DLL located in your Windows/System subdirectory. (VBRUN300.DLL can be found on almost all BBSs, or from your friendly local computer guru.) To install TraxTime on your computer: 1. In the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu. 2. Press the Browse button. 3. Use the drive and directory controls to move to the location of TraxTime's files. Highlight the SETUP.EXE file. 3. Press the Enter key. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions. PRICE TraxTime is distributed as shareware. That means that you are allowed to try it at no cost for an evaluation period of 20 days. After that time, you need to pay a registration fee to continue using it. There are three different registration levels for TraxTime: Registration only....................................$19.50 Regis. and latest disk...............................$24.50 Regis. and latest disk containing Manager's version..$34.50 Please note that if you bought a disk containing TraxTime from a commercial shareware distributor, that your payment does not mean that you have registered TraxTime in any way. You only paid for the convenience of having a non-registered, evaluation copy of TraxTime placed on a disk and given to you. For more registration information, and a registration form, run TraxTime and look under the HELP menu. UPDATE HISTORY Version 1.0----Initial release Version 1.0a--*Fixed setup problem that wouldn't uncompress the file TRAXTIME.DAT. Version 1.0b--*Fixed setup problem that wouldn't uncompress the file SETUPKIT.DLL. This only caused problems on computers that didn't already have SETUPKIT.DLL installed in their Windows/System subdirectory. Version 1.0c--*Fixed problem with punching out, switching projects, then punching in, all while minimized. *Slightly changed help file's Three Minute Tutorial. *Added error correction to 'Enter Registration Code' screen. *Fixed problem with program 'crashing' on exit if user had deleted data during session. *Fixed problems with deleting a project which recently had a memo added to it. *Replaced menu system, which was causing problems. *TraxTime now allows you to start it minimized (registered users only). Version 1.0d--*Reports sent to the printer now break at logical points on the page (based on 12-point type on a 60-line page), avoiding orphans and widows where possible. *TraxTime now coexists peacefully with the following screen savers: After Dark (v.2), Windows 3.1's screen saver, Norton Desktop for Windows (v.3). If you have a another screen saver that TraxTime keeps 'waking up,' let us know, and we'll develop a solution for it. *After you add a new project name, if you're already punched in to another project, TraxTime won't try to make the new project active. *The 'Delete Project' form now redraws itself properly after a deletion. *Fixed a typo in the quotes. *Revised the setup routine to accommodate registered users better. *Fixed a bug that would cause an 'overflow' error if the user tried to edit in/out times from an earlier date. *Reconfigured TraxTime's memory allocation for improved performance. Version 1.5---*Switched to a different database format that is much smaller and faster than the old one. This also eliminates the requirement for SHARE.EXE to be loaded on your computer before TraxTime will run. *Report dates now default to the current month. *Added ability to punch in and out of projects from TraxTime's minimized icon by using your right mouse button. Try it! *Added ability to keep your data files in a different subdirectory than your TraxTime program itself. This makes it easier to use TraxTime on a network, and someone using the manager's version can access all the employees' data files at one location. *Fixed a bug that occured if you tried exiting using the system menu, but had a project punched IN. Pressing the warning message's CANCEL button caused you to exit. *Fixed a bug that would stop you from generating a report if your registered name was longer than 35 characters. *You can now change the default reminder tune by putting your own WAV file (renamed as REMINDER.WAV) into your traxtime subdirectory. Version 1.6---*Fixed bug that would sometimes cause your report to fail if you tried to include memos in it. *Fixed some setup problems. *Fixed bug that wouldn't let you properly switch between projects after you created a report. *The default for the single-date report has been changed to today's date. Spud City Software Co. P.O. Box 16062 Boise, ID 83715 CompuServe 76660,3524