NEW SITE INSTALLATION: If you have never installed Dr. Dread, unzip: UPGRADE.ZIP NEWSITE.ZIP EXISTING DR. DREAD GAME: If you have an existing game, unzip only the: UPGRADE.ZIP WARNING: (The contains the Players, Chat, Message, and Maintenance databases. If you unzip this, it will write over your existing databases and your players will be erased and have to start over. Which is fine to do if that's what you want. The Maintain.dbf will write over your existing one and wipe out your registration key and you will have to reenter your key.) SYSOPS! MULTINODE! If you are running a multi-node BBS or plan to play the game locally while someone else is playing it on a node, you must make sure the files are set up for multi-use. If you use the upgrade.bat or newsite.bat to unzip your files, this will be taken care of automatically. Use newsite.bat if you have never installed Dr. Dread before or if you have a beta version. Use upgrade.bat if you have any version AFTER DREAD1.ZIP. You must set the attributes if you DID NOT use the .bat files to unzip your files. In order to do this, you must make sure the .txt files and the .exe are set to read only. Change to the directory which contains the Dr. Dread files and from the DOS prompt type: ATTRIB *.TXT +R ATTRIB *.EXE +R These two lines will make all text files and executable files read only so they can be accessed by all users. DO NOT make all the files in the directory read only as this will NOT allow your users to make changes to the Players, Messages, & Chat databases. SAMPLE .BAT FILE: I have provided a sample .bat file called zapbat.bat. This shows how to call the zap.exe with the name of the drop file in the command line so the program will know which drop file to read. On Proboard you must delete all other unused drop files before calling the .exe as shown in the sample .bat file. If this is true of your BBS, please let me know so I can report this to the author of Opendoors and see if he can do something to fix this. The sample .bat file also shows how to call the nightly maintenance program: Dreadm.exe. If you are running single node, you can have this set up in your .bat file to run with the first player of the day. If you are running multi-node you must call it in your nightly maintenance routine as it requires exclusive use of the files.