INCOMMING MAIL MONITOR TERMS AND RESTRICTIONS Copyright(c) 1994, Jim Dailey, FidoNet 1:106/202, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INCOMMING MAIL MONITOR IS, REFERRED TO AS IMM, IS AND WILL REMAIN THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF JAMES DAILEY. BECAUSE IMM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, I PROVIDE ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY AND WILL ONLY GUARANTEE THAT IMM WILL TAKE UP SPACE ON YOUR DISK. IMM IS OFFERED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF IMM, AND THE ACCURACY OF ITS ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION, IS WITH YOU. SHOULD NMS OR ITS ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. A LICENSE TO FREELY USE IMM IS GRANTED TO ALL NON-COMMERCIAL USERS. IF YOU RUN A SUBSCRIPTION BBS, OR RUN A BBS IN SUPPORT OF YOUR BUSINESS, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE A ONE TIME $25 DONATION TO A CHARITY THAT SUPPORTS ABUSED CHILDREN. YOU MAY POST IMM FOR DOWNLOADING FROM YOUR BBS, OR DISTRIBUTE IMM THROUGH FIDONET FILE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. YOU ARE NOT TO MODIFY THE ORIGINAL DISTRIBUTION FILE INCLUDING RE-ARCHIVING THE DISTRIBUTION FILE. 2. YOU ARE NOT TO REVERSE ENGINEER, MODIFY IN ANYWAY ANY FILE IN THE DISTRIBUTION ARCHIVE. 3. YOU ARE NOT TO SELL OR CHARGE A FEE FOR IMM. IF YOU RUN A SUBSCRIPTION BBS, IMM IS TO BE FREELY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD OR NOT AVAILABLE AT ALL. 4. YOU ARE PROHIBITED FROM CHARGING FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF IMM. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I have used Binkley in an OS/2 environment for a few years. With the power of OS/2 I wondered why I couldn't process the mail as soon as it arrived even if my uplink had more than 1 mail file to send me. IMM solves this problem. IMM, running at idle priority, continuously monitors your inbound area. When a mail file is completly received, IMM will start your mail processing .CMD file in a seperate session. While your .CMD file is processing, and should another mail file arrive, IMM will not start a new session until the first session is complete. All mail files received while the first session was processing mail, will be processed by the second session. To terminate IMM, press CTRL+C. If a mail processing session started by IMM is not complete, IMM will not terminate until the mail processing session is comleted. All parameters required by IMM are specified in it's configuration file, whose default name is IMM.CFG. If you wish to supply a different name, specify it as a command line parameter, (ie. IMM -c NODE1IMM.CFG). IMM will monitor multiple inbound paths. If you have seperate mail processing for each node, then you will have to run a seperate IMM to monitor each node. IMMPM operates in the same manner as the text mode version. The one advantage IMMPM has is that you can scroll back upto 500 lines to see what your mail activity has been. When your mail processor is started, it is started in a seperate session. The current directory for this session is the root the directory of the drive that CMD.EXE is located on. Be sure to change your .CMD file to change to the correct directory for processing your mail. So that your mail processor will not attempt to process an incomming mail file, IMM will move a mail file to a holding directory. Your mail processing .CMD file must process your mail from the holding directory. So that other mail process and tick processing will not mess with the files in your outbound concurrently, you must implement a locking mechanism to allow only one process to run, causing the others to wait. I have included my .CMD files for mail processing and tick processing that uses such a locking mechanism. Included is RXX19.ZIP which contains RXEXTRAS.DLL. This DLL is required for the locking mechanism. (You REXX programmers might want to check out RXEXTRAS. It does some pretty neat stuff). Should you have any questions, suggestions, or bug reports, I can be reached at the following addresses: FidoNet : 1:106/202 InterNet : I also frequent the FidoNet OS2BBS echo.