FrontDoor, InterMail, TriBBS, and TriToss, revised 11-13-94 ----------------------------------------- Here's a quick rundown of setting up FrontDoor or InterMail with TriBBS/TriToss. Not comprehensive, though, as setups can vary greatly. Details about X00 and BNU are not covered, but runfd/imrun.bat are setup to use X00 on COM 4, standard irq. The files provided are in their simplest form. Start simple and build onto your setup as you become more familiar. Here's a rundown of comparable settings between TriToss and FD/IM: dir TriToss option FD/IM option ------------------------------------------------------------------------- f:\fd\inbound netmail, inecho netmail: files: secfiles: f:\fd\outbound outecho packets: Keep netmail and inbound stuff together in the same directory. Don't worry, it won't hurt anything and often it's the only way it'll truly work effectively. If you're the type who collects received netmail and end up with quite a bit of clutter, create a folder and mark it's status as local and private (in *.msg format of course) and move recieved netmail you'd like to keep there. My directory is called netmail2. Your inbound and outbound directories are transient by nature, that is, what's in them is meant to be on their way in or out. Keep them down in size and you shouldn't run into any problems. In fdsetup, there's an option for MSG Base. Leave it blank. TriBBS does not use a Hudson Message Base. In short, use the included configs and batch files. Simply modify them to match your correct setup (pathnames, etc). Many times I see people in TRIBBS_SUPPORT wondering why their hub can deliver mail in and it's processed, yet outgoing mail isn't sent out after TriToss clearly packed it up. The reason is usually one of two things: either netmail and inbound are two separate directories or else they have setup to hold mail by default. The routing files in this package are set to send mail out to your hub as soon as mail is processed. If your hub is long distance, then see what I did with schedule L. At the top of the routing file, simply place HOLD YOURHUB'S/ADDRESS. Then create a polling event. If you look at event L's section, you'll see what I mean. If you have any questions or need help with your TriToss setup, feel free to route netmail to me at 1:100/591. Chances are I'll probably route it back to you within a few days (I rarely crash netmail unless it's support for a kv_Soft program). Good luck! =Kerry TriBBS and TriToss are registered trademarks of TriSoft. InterMail is a registered trademark of Scandinavian PC Systems AB & InterZone Software, Inc. FrontDoor is a registered trademark of Joaquim Homrighausen.