Copyright (c) 1993,94 by Anthony Phillips S E E K N E T (tm) I N T E R N A T I O N A L ] ------------- ---- ------------------------- M o d e r a t o r G u i d e l i n e s Revised: 10/10/94 Moderators of SeekNet conferences are given certain powers, but along with those powers comes responsibility. You are expected to be courteous, and tactful in dealing with any unpleasantness in your conference. A 1st and 2nd warning (at least) should normally be given to a problem user on the Network before you ask the SeekNet administration that he be removed. Try and keep in mind lag time in some mail system transfers. Some Bulletin Boards do not transfer mail daily. A user may violate the rules a second time before he receives your first warning, so try and keep that in mind before rushing a second warning out. When giving warnings, make sure that your position as moderator of the conference is known, by using your moderator ID or SIG. Never sign your name using your Moderator SIG in a conference other than the one that you moderate. Handles, Obscenities, and personal attacks by one user against another is a violation of SeekNet rules and should be dealt with by the moderator in a professional way. A 1st warning should never be a threat of removal, but a courteous request the user stay within the guidelines of SeekNet. We will leave discretion to you just how many warnings are given, but Abuse of a moderator will NOT be tolerated on the Net. Anyone abusing a moderator WILL be removed from the Network. A Moderator should have a working knowledge of the topic of the conference he wishes to moderate. Being a Moderator doesn't mean that you give up your right as a user of the conference just because you moderate. The ideal person at least posts periodically and tries to make sure that discussions in the conference flows freely, without bickering or snipping. He may also want to stimulate conversation by the introduction of new topics of discussion in times when the traffic in his conference slows. One of your frequent duties may be in steering those off-Topic discussions, either back on-topic, or to a more appropriate conference. Another chore is to try and get users to keep quotes down to 5 to 10 lines max per message. Quoting an entire 80 line message, and then writing a one or two line response, is not only costly, but an foolish aggravation as well. Fancy user signatures are permitted, but should be a maximun of three lines. Running a conference like a sergeant in a boot camp is not the SeekNet style. We have found that Moderators who treat people with respect, not always, but GENERALLY, gets respect in return. Direct yourself to facilitating discussion, not just policing it. But as we have stated, "NO" abuse of a moderator will be Tolerated. We encourage you to have your own style, and we're not interested in turning out cookie cutter moderators. Make yourself comfortable in the conference, Introduce yourself as the New Moderator, and be yourself. We're all just everyday people here. Any questions about moderating, or SeekNet, should be sent private mail, addressed to Anthony Phillips via one of the addresses below. All Inquiries about listed conferences or additional conferences are Welcomed. BBS - (610)237-6628 FIDO - 1:273/412 SEEKNET - 120:120/0 INTERNET - RIME/PCRelay - SEEKERS (Site #5516) SNAIL-MAIL - P.O. Box 691 Darby, Pa. 19023 v1.10