AC - The Archive Converter V3.11 [11-20-94] By Donald M. Langhorne Copyright (c) 1991,1994; All rights reserved; ==================================================================== Information on updating from version 3.10 to 3.11 -------------------------------------------------- There should be NO differences between these two version in regards to the data files. Information on updating from versions 3.0x to 3.10 -------------------------------------------------- The datafile format has changed with this release. If would like to use the datafile from a previous version of AC, you must update it before use. The program UPDATE.EXE will update your datafile to the version 3.10 format and keep all your custom settings intact. For instructions on using UPDATE, just type the name UPDATE at the command prompt for usage. Information on updating from version 3.00 to 3.01 ------------------------------------------------- The datafile format remains unchanged from earlier versions of AC after and including V3.00. It is worth mentioning here however that SQZ seems to not work properly when you use the '/' character as the switch character. SQZ also accepts the '-' character and that works with AC. If you choose to use the new AC.DB that comes with this release, then the necessary changes have already been made. If you wish to use a datafile from earlier releases, you can, but you should correct the information for SQZ. For example: with the original AC.DB files that I distributed with AC versions 3.00-3.00c the definition for the archiver portion of SQZ had this defined for the recursive switch: '/s' You should change this to '-s' for it to work properly with AC. This process should be repeated for ALL switches that are defined for SQZ. Don't forget to change the dearchiver for SQZ too! Information on updating from versions of AC prior to 3.00 --------------------------------------------------------- AC has been completely converted and mostly rewritten from C to C++. In addition, the configuration file has changed drastically. Due to the disparity between the older type of configuration file and the new, I have not provided an automatic method of updating the configuration file. Future releases will provide an automatic procedure, since I do not plan on modifying the basic method of storing information in the configuration file. ****NOTE**** If you have not made any changes to the ****NOTE**** configuration file before, then you do ****NOTE**** not need to perform any transfering of ****NOTE**** information, and can delete the old AC.CFG ****NOTE**** and use the AC.DB that you should have ****NOTE**** received with AC. The following describes one method of transfering over information from your existing AC configuration file to the new format. 1) If possible, you should print out the old configuration file to a printer. For example you could type 'type AC.CFG >lpt1' from DOS and it will print out your configuration information. 2) Run the new ACS.EXE(ACSetup). 3) If you are a registered user, goto Register, and enter your registration #. Next goto Defaults and set your preferences. 4) Select Archivers from the main menu. Next select the archive extension you wish to define. Perform the following tasks: a) Check the name of the archiver, if it is different from what you had previously replace it. b) Check the switches. AC now separates EACH switch on a separate line. You want to match up to switches with the s="..." for the appropriate archiver. For each switch in the s="...", place it separately in up to 4 switch fields. c) Repeat step b) for the recursive switches, where r="..." is where you will find the recursive switches. d) Repeat step b) for the timestamp switch. e) Set the command line switch if necessary to one of the available options. f) Set the switch separator to 0 -SPACE, or 1-NONE. This is dependant upon the archiver. Most archivers separate each switch on the command line with a space, but a few do not. If they don't, then set this option to NOa NE. g) Repeat steps a-f for all other archivers. 5) Select Dearchivers from the main menu. Repeat the process described above for archivers and apply it to dearchivers. Since there are no timestamp options for dearchivers, skip step d) above. 6) That's it! If you are encountering problems, registered users can phone me for help. I will be more than happy to step you through converting your configuration file. If you are not a registered user, either E-mail me via CompuServe, or write me to the address in AC.DOC