The Deck Commander Magic: The Gathering Inventory and Deck Control Version History 0.00 Pre Release(?) Several versions of the pre release were issued, the last in this version also incorporates a compilation date and time for the program. Master inventory display Master card entry, editing and inventory count File version control in master and deck files 0.10 Deck file picklist and loading Alphabetical indexing on master card file Master card picklist for adding to deck file 0.11 Deck totals were not adding correctly when cards added by picklist PGUP & PGDN were not operating on master file indexes 0.20 Adding master card entries from master card deck picklist Determination of duplicate entries in master file 0.30 Hilight bar correctly shows after adding card to deck Editing last few entries doesnt overwrite/cross other entries Trample ability added to editable ability list Breakdown windows, Lands, Types, Colors and Creatures Info window displayed during master card selection for deck Editing of abilities for all but lands and sorceries Card ratios added to scrolling screens for deck file, N/A on master Printing of deck and master files, including card ratios Deck file is packed upon exiting program or C for close or L for load 0.35 Decks no longer delete when exiting program with them open Control DEL resets all card counts to zero on master or deck files Help screen added for keystrokes 0.37 Preview of deck sorting algorithm 0.40 Deck sorting algorithm completed (count, name, type, color, or costs) Allow abilities on lands Added Landwalk ability (Lwk) to editable abilities Added Protection ability (Pro) to editable abilities Added Tap Card ability (tAp) to editable abilities Added Untap Card abilitity (Utp) to editable abilities Added Doesnt Tap ability (Ntp) to editable abilities Added Provides Mana abilitty (Mna) to editable abilitities 0.41 Divide by zero error fixed on breakdown windows 0.45 Sorting added to master file Number of entries in master file display Save master file index when master file closed at program termination 0.46 Corrected sorting display line to read Primary and Secondary Corrected master sorting display line to read Sort Master 0.47 Corrected master card picklist for adding to decks Added F4 key, switchs master index between alphabetical and user idx 0.48 Corrected problem with adding cards to master file from master picklst Corrected problem moving cards via editing master list Corrected problem with indexing 0.49 Added card checksum calculation for realignment of decks File utility program created for deleting from master file and realigning deck files Asterisk (*) now denotes unaligned cards in deck F2 recalculates hilighted card's checksum Control+F2 recalculates all cards' checksums in deck file 1.00 General Public Release