* This is Sample Spec 3. A comment may be entered on a line as long as * it is preceeded by an astericks. The whole line is ignored by the * program. Do not put a comment on a line, after a spec file entry. * The first five lines of a spec file are as follows * * Line 1 - max 8 character file name, .GEN appended at runtime, this is * output file * Line 2 - no of records to generate, max 999999999. * Line 3 - F or V, for Fixed or Variable length records * Line 4 - Field separator,(C)omma,(A)postrophe,(S)lash,(P)ipe,(N)ull, * Carriage Return-(L)ine Feed. * Line 5 - Record separator,(C)omma,(A)postrophe,(S)lash,(P)ipe,(N)ull, * Carriage Return-(L)ine Feed. SAMPLE3 50 F N L * Lines 6 and on are the lines describing each field. Max 255 fields. * Field Fill Field Random or Lower Upper Interval Decimal Repeat Seed value * No Type Width Sequentl Bound Bound Place Value Or STRIN value * Max255 R or S 1 1-10000 0-6 1-1000 CUSTA,CUSTN Files * 1, CUSTA, 9, R, 1, 9, 1, 0, 1, EX_CUSTA.IN1 2, CUSTN, 4, R, 1, 9, 1, 0, 1, EX_CUSTN.IN2 3, CUSTA, 4, R, 1, 9, 1, 0, 1, EX_CUSTA.IN3 4, CUSTA,10, R, 1, 9, 1, 0, 1, EX_CUSTA.IN4 5, INTER, 5, S, 1, 99, 1, 0, 1, 1234 6, INTER, 4, R, 100, 110, 1, 0, 3, 4321 7, INTER, 8, R, 1110, 9999, 1, 2, 1, 5555 * * This spec simulates a database with 50 records of a customer file. * Field 1 is CPU MAKE, Field 2 is CPU TYPE, Field 3 is SALES REP, * Field 4 is STORE, Field 5 is INVENTORY RECORD NUMBER, Field 6 is DIV NO, * Field 7 is PURCHASE AMOUNT with 2 decimal places.