PENTIUM FPU Test Version 1.1 ------------------------------ I wrote this program from the informations gathered around news group in Internet about bugs found in INTEL(R) PENTIUM(tm), includes P5-66, P5-60, P5-90 and maybe included P5-100) about FDIV instruction. I need to thanks for many authors for their original mathematics models, but I could not be able to obtain their names (Sorry...) The tests in this program will involve Floating-Point Unit calculations without pre-optimized or pre-calculated results enabled into the program so that it will really do calculations. This program has been tested under 386s and 486s (with math co-processor enabled) to verify the tests with expected results. Under certain conditions on Pentium(tm) system, calculated resulted will different from the expected results. This program is designed to force the processor to fall into particular conditions so that the program can distinguish between a good or bad processor. This program is public domain. User can use and share with others without expression from the author; however, the author reserves a right to modify any part of this program. USER OF THIS PROGRAM WILL USE THIS PROGRAM AT HIS/HER OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT RESPONSIBLE TO ANY DAMAGE OR DANGER THAT MAY CAUSE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM THIS PROGRAM. All the names mentioned in this document is solely owned by their respective owner. PENFPU Programmed by Danai Tonkerdmongon ( (C) Copyright 1994 History: Version 0.9 Initiated released (2 weeks after Intel announced its error.) ------- 1.0 contained false logic which will report wrong results. 1.1 changes in logic routines. 1.1a enhanced mathematic model 3.