This program tests for a bug in the Intel Pentium floating point math unit. This bug only appears with certain operands and causes error at the eight significant digit after the decimal place. If this creates a problem for you, contact Intel, and they will replace your processor. This bug appears to be in all speeds of the Pentium. To run the program, merely type 'pentium', then return. A display of a 'bug-free' Pentium is displayed below. result is 1.00000000000000000000e+000 3 result is 3.33333333333333333342e-001 Any char to continue If your Pentium has the bug, then your output for the first line will be aprox. result is 9.99999999642e-001 3 result is 3.33333333333333333342e-001 Any char to continue The important thing is that the first result is not exactly equal to 1.000. Good luck and happy computing.