Castle of the Renegades ----------------------- It seems like years since the base on Phobos was overrun by these creatures from the nether world. Most of the men on the base were killed in the initial assault. Most that survived were taken to hell itself. They were the lucky ones. A group of renegade creatures (which I later learned were called "barons of hell") caputured dozens of men, my- self included, and took us to a castle they had created which hovered over the remains of Deimos. One by one, our men have gone insane. No doubt due to the occasional trip to the torture chamber. Some never return and we can only speculate on their fate. We've heard babblings from some of our mad cohorts to the effect that the men who don't survive the torture chamber end up as the barons' breakfast. The few remaining sane men decided it was better to die fighting than end up an appetizer. Last night, we were able to pick the locks on our cell doors and sneak out. We found a small cache of the weapons that were captured from Phobos. Nothing heavy, just pistols and bullets. But we suspected some of our other weapons might be around somewhere in the castle. We knew we were too few to take on the barons and their minions with these pea-shooters. A major distraction was in order. We took all the guns and ammo we could carry back to the dungeon and placed them all in a pile in the main hallway. Then we released our insane former buddies and ran like hell! Distraction was not the word for the chaos that ensued. More like "riot"! In the confusion, we got separated. I was able to run and shoot my way outside. I found a door in the outer wall that I hoped would take me out of here. No such luck. This does look like a good place to catch my breath, though. Wait a minute! What have we here?! It's one of our old pump 12 guages and a box of shells. If I can find some more weapons and ammo around here somewhere, I just might be able to stay alive long to find an exit. I might even get some help from some of my buddies, unless they, too have gone insane and are now hunting me as well. If I can find a plasma cannon lying around here, I'll make 'em sorry they ever developed a taste for human flesh!