E2M1SAS.WAD was the first level that I ever did. The majority of it was done before the "true" level editors came out, so it is strongly based upon the original E2M1. When DEU 5.0 came out, I added a couple of rooms and altered a bunch of others. This is the third update to E2M1SAS.WAD. The second update added new music (Van Halen's "Right Now") and a single player demo. This update (which was neccesary due to the old demo not being compatible with Doom v1.666) adds a two player DeathMatch demo and replaces the previous music with another cool song. To view the DeathMatch demo, just load E2M1SAS.WAD into Doom and allow it to sit for a few seconds; the demo will start to play automatically. You'll be viewing the demo from my perspective... Special thanks to the victim in the demo for allowing me to pound on him in a level that he was not familiar with (I'd also like to thank him for setting himself up for those two teleporter frags!). ================================================================ Title : E2M1SAS File Name : E2M1SAS.WAD Author : Scott A. Smith Email Address(es) : scott@gate.net scott10911@aol.com Misc. Author Info : I use Super Slinky strings... Additional Credits to : id Software and the authors of DEU and BSP. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (latest mod was for this) Difficulty Settings : uh... can't remember New demos : YES! New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : Forgot... Editor(s) used : DEU 4.x, 5.0, 5.21, BSP 1.1x,1.2x Known Bugs : get real. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without including this unmodified text file and a list of the changes made to the level... You MAY distribute this WAD to any BBS or online service, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may mass distribute this WAD in any *other* electronic format (Diskette, CD, etc) *only* with my approval (which will be quite easy to get, I imagine). * Where to get this WAD * America Online: PC Games Forum