================================================================ Title : Welcome to my Nightmare E1M1 - DOOMed and Confused E1M2 - Three Lock Box Author : Ken Flynn Email Address : COMPUSERVE USERS: : INTERNET USERS: Misc. Author Info : CRT Inc. Computer Services Geb. 809 A-3 66877 Ramstein-Flugplatz Germany Description : These are our FIRST levels. They should suit even the most DOOMish of players. Additional Credits to : Kenny Flynn for Room Decor, Special Effects & Voice. Jessica Flynn for Sound and ideas. Jim Bynum for his creative inputs. Mr Joe Pantuso, Creator of Renegade Graphics DOOMed. My wife and kids for putting up with this "DOOM" thing. id of course ! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1, E1M2 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (sure ... why not) New Sounds : Some (O.K. More than SOME) New Graphics : Hmmm...Could be soon Demos Replaced : Not Yet * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : Whatever it took to make. Editor(s) used : Only the Best...Renegade Graphics Doomed 1.1c Known Bugs : Let me know..will ya ? * Copyright / Permissions * Renegade Graphics DOOMed is a Registered trademark of Renegade Graphics ******Our Company ...CRT Inc. Computer Services is the ony European Vendor for DOOMed and we'll be more than happy to sell you a copy of the BEST DOOM Editor on the market. Just write. * Tips * Just a couple... always go back and check for the important stuff and that both episodes end unconventionally and in the great outdoors. (Kinda) As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil because you'll be sporting a snappy new... BFG9000 of course! Have Fun. - Ken