Jupiter Conjunct Jupiter This transit brings exaggerated expectations. You may expect luck, sudden wealth, and so on, but you should look for more subtle opportunities. This is a new beginning. New people entering your life and new events provide you with ways to give added meaning to your life. Favored activities under this transit are education, travel, business and finance. Jupiter Conjunct Mars Your energies are running high. You should put your energies into projects that are likely to pay off or have a good physical workout, but take care not to overextend yourself. You are more likely to take risks at this time which could lead to accidents. Jupiter Conjunct Mercury Intellectual perspective is broadened under this transit. During the next two weeks your focus will be on learning and planning. This is a fortunate time for any dealings with law or business. All communications are favored and you should expect some good news. Both long and short distance travel is also favored. There is a slight risk that you might overextend yourself. Jupiter Conjunct Moon During the next few weeks you will be feeling warm-hearted and generous. Home and personal life are very important at this time. You will receive some benefit from a woman who offers help to you. Take care not to overeat now, as this transit often brings weight gain. Jupiter Conjunct Neptune This transit arouses your ideals and compassion for your fellow man. Spiritual, religious, philosophic and metaphysical pursuits appeal to you now. If you cannot find an adequate outlet to express these ideals, you will tend to go inward, into a fantasy world where you can pretend that everything is perfect. Unfortunately, Neptune quite often brings delusions, and you are particularly susceptible to charlatanism during this transit. This is not a good time to take risks with money. Jupiter Conjunct Pluto Under this transit you will experience the urge to achieve success in your efforts. Power will come into your hands, even with little effort. However, if your ambition has no outlet, if you feel you are in a powerless situation, then this transit can bring great conflict with authorities. To best use this transit, examine areas in your life where you can achieve some success and where you can gain recognition and respect for your efforts. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn This transit brings to light inhibitions and restrictions that exist in your life. If you are feeling particularly restless, you may react by trying to break free from circumstances that bind you, such as changing jobs, giving responsibilities over to someone else, or breaking up your relationship. However, if you have built up your life so that you have adequate freedoms, you may instead try to grow within your existing boundaries. Jupiter Conjunct Sun If your chart is severely afflicted by other transits right now, then this one will serve as a respite. Jupiter makes this transition once every twelve years and marks a new beginning. Its influence is to broaden your perspective and ease restrictions in your life. You should experience a feeling of well-being and optimism now and this transit should see you in good health. Try not to overextend yourself, however, as this transit will pass as well. Jupiter Conjunct Uranus This transit is characterized by surprise and sudden opportunities. Your life is bound to change in interesting ways. However, you'll have a tendency to cast off all responsibility, which could lead to substantial problems. Uranus is an erratic influence which is difficult to predict. With Jupiter's influence you might suddenly decide to start a new business or take a trip to a foreign land. In any case, expect to surprise yourself. Jupiter Conjunct Venus This transit smooths ruffled feathers and promotes good times with friends. Expect to be the center of attention for a while. Love relationships begun under this transit are usually successful. Take care not to spend too much money, even though you may receive a windfall. Also, take care not to indulge too much in food or drink as you may become ill. Surround yourself with beauty. Jupiter Opposite Jupiter Optimism and overconfidence are characteristics of this transit. You may find that the pace of life has become hard to handle, as several projects are likely to demand your time for completion now. In addition, you may experience feelings of restlessness and the need to change your plans or get away for a while. Be careful that this does not increase demands on your time. Also, you may experience problems with those who have authority over you. As long as you are careful to finish your projects and don't display too much ambition at this time, this transit should bring success. Jupiter Opposite Mars Under this transit you are inclined to make grand gestures. Although your energy is high and you are able to do more under Jupiter-Mars transits than at other times, you may act recklessly and outdo yourself. A bit of self-delusion is characteristic of this transit, so you should take great pains to make sure you are dealing with facts in any confrontation that erupts. Your courage is not lacking, and with good self-knowledge you should succeed with any task you set for yourself. Avoid impulsive actions. Jupiter Opposite Mercury Opportunities grasped under previous Jupiter-Mercury transits are bearing fruit now. Take care that new plans made under this transit are not grandiose and beyond your grasp. This is a good time to conclude business deals, provided you take extra care not to overlook the details. If this seems like too much bother, or if you find yourself thinking that the details don't matter, then enlist the advise of someone else before signing any contracts. Jupiter Opposite Moon This transit brings positive feelings and emotional generosity. However, it also often brings great self-indulgence and lack of discipline. Try to offer as much as you expect from others. Don't wait for someone else to make the first move. Also, take care not to overeat as this transit often brings weight gain. Jupiter Opposite Neptune You may have some problems sorting out your image of an ideal world versus what truly exists. Real problems may encourage you to escape into a fantasy world. If you are predisposed to drug or alcohol abuse, then this is a time of great risk for you. Also, this transit brings an unrealistic optimism which may put you at risk for being conned. If a deal seems to be too good to be true, then run in the opposite direction. Gambling is not recommended for now. Nothing is as it seems to you at this time. Jupiter Opposite Pluto This transit is one of the most difficult. It brings strong ambition and strong opposition. This time can bring either great personal success or utter failure, depending on how you handle Jupiter-Pluto transits in general. If you express your drive for power in a ruthless and selfish way then this transit could bring your downfall. However, if you take special care to placate those who oppose you, then you can succeed even against great opposition. Your inclination will be to make a raw grab for power using coercion if necessary to get your way. On the other hand, this may manifest as someone trying to maneuver you in just such a manner. Stand your ground, but realize that you may be acting obsessively at this time. Jupiter Opposite Saturn During this transit there is a risk that you will make mistakes in judgment. Saturn demands caution while Jupiter brings optimism. One moment you may feel overly confident and the next you may be overly cautious. In addition, you may feel torn between your desire for greater freedom and the desire to cling to security. This will cause a sense of restlessness that seems to have no outlet. Expect to make modest financial gains. Jupiter Opposite Sun The search for spiritual and personal growth are favored under this transit. However, you are probably inclined to go after as much stuff as you can grab at this time. If you succumb to this inclination, then when this transit ends in approximately two weeks, you will feel that you have failed. Try to curb this tendency by realizing that it is inner happiness that gives meaning to life rather than empty objects. Also, you will be feeling overconfident now and tend to act arrogantly. This could lead to legal difficulties, so try to act with courtesy toward others. Jupiter Opposite Uranus This transit is often present when a sudden break occurs that removes a limiting influence in your life. This may be the ending of a relationship that wasn't right for you, or it may be quitting a dead- end job. Whatever the circumstances, this force returns some freedom which you have given away and even if the event causes some sadness, your primary response will be relief. If more than one situation is causing you to feel fenced in, take time to review everything carefully before deciding what exactly is causing the limitation. Give partners freedom and breathing room too. Jupiter Opposite Venus This transit usually brings harmonious relationships and the possibility of significant new ones. However, if negative transits occur with this one, then this can be a time of emotional turmoil between demands for closeness and freedom. In addition, you are likely to spend money lavishly on beautiful or gaudy objects. Take care not to squander your money. There is the likelihood of weight gain, so watch your eating habits. Jupiter Sextile Jupiter Personal growth, growth in knowledge, growth in your career, in business and in finance all occur easily under this transit. Use this time to reevaluate or set new goals and to put past success and failures in perspective. Expect some recognition for your achievements now. Jupiter Sextile Mars Self-confidence and high energy characterize this transit. Opportunities are present, but it requires your initiative to get projects rolling. Working with a group to achieve a goal is favored under this transit, as are resolving legal issues and dealing with business concerns. Physical health is good at this time. Jupiter Sextile Mercury Planning, decision making, and communications are all favored activities under this transit. You must provide your own initiative, however, as this is an opportunity that only comes once every twelve years. Action taken now will pay off in the future. Jupiter Sextile Moon This is a time of optimism and good feelings. Use this transit to get in touch with your inner feelings, especially about your relationships. Encounters will give you opportunities to grow personally. A friend may provide a valuable service to you. Jupiter Sextile Neptune This transit arouses your ideals and compassion for your fellow man and you are probably concerned at this time with helping those less fortunate than yourself. Religious, spiritual or philosophic ideas will appeal to you. You will probably become involved in a study group or meet someone who has metaphysical interests. Neptune brings false feelings of luck, so don't gamble your money away. Jupiter Sextile Pluto This transit brings opportunities to gain power and you will feel like taking advantage of this. If you are in a position of authority over others at this time then you should use your abilities for the advantage of all involved rather than using power for purely selfish reasons. This extra effort will pay off during upcoming Jupiter-Pluto transits (especially the square and the opposition). Changes are opportunities for you at this time, so take advantage of them. Jupiter Sextile Saturn This transit is characterized by cautious growth and conservative financial gain. Your tendencies at this time are to approach your goals and duties in a mature and responsible way. This is a very good time to conduct business because your pragmatism allows you to identify real opportunities and make the best of them. Jupiter Sextile Sun This is a time of both personal growth and ease for you. You may end up reflecting on how well you've done with your life and making grand plans for the future. Relationships with others, particularly friends and loved ones are unusually good and if any difficulties exist, your focus will be on making everything right. Sometimes this transit brings an unexpected windfall and it is a good time to increase your finances through business transactions. Jupiter Sextile Uranus Under this transit you are probably feeling somewhat impatient and bored with your present surroundings, but just wait, as Uranus brings many surprises. New ideas appeal to you at this time, especially ones which give you a different perspective. New situations may arise that force a change in your plans for the future. Your financial status may suddenly change. Jupiter Sextile Venus This transit is characterized by ambiguous good feelings and lack of ambition. Favored activities are vacationing, starting a new love affair, spending good times with friends and making good first impressions. Spend some time in beautiful surroundings. You may receive unexpected money and be tempted to spend it frivolously. Jupiter Square Jupiter This transit brings a tendency to overdo. You will be inclined to take on more than you can handle, promising more of your time than you have available, and you will probably spend too much. If you take great pains to keep everything you do in proportion, this can be a successful time for you because your optimism is running high. Jupiter Square Mars This transit is characterized by overconfidence, exuberance, exaggeration, assertiveness and intemperance. Success is still possible as long as some self-restraint is applied. Avoid arrogant and domineering attitudes and take care not to overextend yourself. Be extra careful not to alienate superiors. Jupiter Square Mercury Under this transit you will experience a great desire to get your message across to others. However, you may be less inclined to listen, especially if you encounter criticism. This could be a problem because you willl have a tendency to overlook details which could ruin your plans unless you let others contribute. Use the criticism of others to reevaluate your plans. Also, make sure your plans are within your reach. Jupiter Square Moon This transit gives uncommon power to your emotional responses and you want to create new depth in your relationships. Past events take on more significance and you may spend some time rehashing past emotional injuries. You may also spend a good amount of time in contemplation of justice in general. Try to court a less emotional attitude when dealing with others. Jupiter Square Neptune Your ideals and optimism are running high, but those around you will challenge you to put your ideas to practical use. This will give you the opportunity to test those ideas to see if they have merit in reality. You'll gain satisfaction from helping those around you, even when giving of yourself to less than worthwhile groups. Delusions are a risk at this time, especially where religion or spirituality are concerned. Someone could take advantage of you. Gambling is not recommended. Jupiter Square Pluto This transit brings a personal drive for power. If you handled yourself well during previous Jupiter-Pluto transits (particularly the sextile), then your efforts will pay off at this time. However, if you used power for your own selfish reasons against the best interest of those under your authority, then you will experience great resistance from others now. Be prepared to reevaluate your ideas and goals at this time. You may have to compromise to placate those in opposition to your plans. In addition, this transit sometimes brings legal problems. Make sure all your dealings are beyond reproach. Jupiter Square Saturn This transit brings an awareness of your behavior. Right now you can clearly see and sever relationships or partnerships that are no good for you. Or you may realize that some of your behavior has been inappropriate and take steps to change it. You'll be redefining who and what you are at this time and so should spend some time alone in thought. Also, expect some changes in business. If offered a new job you should seriously consider it. Jupiter Square Sun This transit, although it brings much good, can also cause problems if you let your reach exceed your grasp. Resources seem plentiful, but if you squander them you'll regret it another day. Provided you exert control over your inclination to go overboard, this time should be one of opportunity for you. Don't let your confidence lead you to be overbearing towards others or this could lead to serious conflicts later. Sometimes this transit can bring legal difficulties. If you find yourself at the other end of a court summons, make a concerted effort to be honest and fair and things will work out in your favor. Keep arrogance to a minimum. Jupiter Square Uranus This transit often brings sudden changes in fortune, either good or bad. You may be inclined to equate change with getting ahead, without taking the time to examine consequences or alternatives. In addition, you may view anyone else's position as pressure against you, and you may base your decision solely on doing whatever is opposite from the other person's view. Your focus is probably on maintaining and increasing your personal freedom. Resist impulsive action and this time can bring success. Jupiter Square Venus This transit brings the desire to express love to others. Relationships begun now will have a compulsive quality to them than could present difficulties. Your focus is on pleasure and pleasurable pursuits rather than on business dealings, so vacationing and recreational trips are favored, especially if your destination has beauty. Jupiter Trine Jupiter This transit brings positive thinking, mental stability, good feelings, relaxation and opportunity. This is a good time to make long range plans, take advantage of further education, take a long- distance trip, or take up philosophy or religious studies. It is a pleasant time for you all around. Jupiter Trine Mars This transit is characterized by initiative, careful planning, self- confidence, easy energy, integrity, ambition and the drive to succeed and create. This transit is favored for resolving legal disputes and for beginning new enterprises. Jupiter Trine Mercury Communication, buying, selling, planning, studying and business activities are favored under this transit. If you exert yourself to look for opportunities at this time you will find them. Jupiter Trine Moon The next few weeks will be a time of good feelings and optimism. Your focus is on ensuring that those you love are doing well. Home life brings satisfaction. Resources and favorable circumstances present themselves. New encounters bring opportunities. Jupiter Trine Neptune This transit stimulates your idealistic nature, especially for religious, spiritual or metaphysical subjects. You may meet someone who could become your teacher or a guide for your quest for understanding. Or, you may act as a teacher in this manner to someone else. Jupiter Trine Pluto This transit brings opportunities for regeneration through personal power. Opportunities abound to make the world around you a better place for all and you are the driving force. It will be quite easy to bring about the changes you want and you should use this ability to benefit yourself and others. You can use this transit to achieve professional success, increase your finances, or simply straighten out areas of your life that have given you problems in the past. Jupiter Trine Saturn This transit favors practical endeavors, as well as expanding or creating a business. Your goals are especially clear and your planning ability is sharp now. You should be experiencing financial gain at this time. Spend some time alone. Jupiter Trine Sun This is an excellent time to begin new projects, take part in rewarding experiences that further your personal growth, and increase your financial worth through business dealings. However, you are feeling so good that you will be tempted to sit back and wait for all the good things to fall into your lap. If you do this, then you will be wasting a golden opportunity, since this transit only comes around once every twelve years. You will have to put some energy into achieving all the good offered by this transit, but it is well worth the effort. Long distance travel is also favored at this time. Jupiter Trine Uranus This transit often brings a sudden change of fortune for the better and is considered to be one of the few truly lucky transits. This is a time of change for you that may manifest as an inner search for meaning, or externally as a sudden change in your daily activities. If an unusual opportunity presents itself, go for it right away, as Uranus energies don't wait around for the ponderous. Jupiter Trine Venus This transit brings light-hearted feelings and the desire to socialize. You have the ability right now to make friends who are unhappy and depressed feel good again. Take a vacation at this time if at all possible. Spend time with friends in beautiful surroundings.