Mars Conjunct Jupiter This is considered to be a lucky transit, suitable for taking some risks, providing that those risks have a potential for payoff. New business ventures and gambling are favored. Also, as with most Mars transits, this is a time of high energy which could be put to good use with physical exercise. Contain your over-confidence to avoid unnecessary accidents. Mars Conjunct Mars Your energy is running so high that you will need some physical outlet such as hard physical work or athletic sports. If you aren't able to discharge some of your Mars energies in this way, you are likely to become belligerent and irritable. If you aren't feeling the Mars energies in a physical way, then you may be suppressing them. This could lead to serious accidents if you aren't very careful. Mars Conjunct Mercury This transit causes irritability and the desire to communicate that feeling to those around you. Also, you may be inclined to stroke your own ego at the expense of another, which can lead to conflict. Mars- Mercury transits are high energy, so, you should be able to get a lot accomplished today providing you don't let your tongue get you into pointless arguments. Take care while driving, as this transit is characterized by recklessness. Mars Conjunct Moon Today things will tend to remind you of past events that made you angry. As a consequence, you will probably be very irritable. You're more likely to be angry with close friends and family rather than with people you don't know so well. This transit makes you stand up for your rights. You can set to rights those wrongs done to you in the past if you use this transit correctly. Mars Conjunct Neptune You're likely to experience strange thoughts and emotions under this transit, especially those conflicting pride and inferiority. Mars identifies with the ego, while Neptune breaks down ego boundaries. This is bound to cause some confusion, perhaps even delusions. Make sure you know what the facts are before undertaking any activities at this time, especially if someone appeals to your ideals, for they are likely to take your money and run. Work done for others, such as charity, is favored under this transit, so long as you are sure of who is benefitting from your efforts. Take extra care not to become exhausted now, as this could lead to illness and infections. Mars Conjunct Pluto This transit brings about power plays. You may attempt to take control of events and others around you, or someone may try to exert control over you. Avoid violent neighborhoods if at all possible for the next few days to minimize personal danger. Ego conflicts that may escalate into a power struggle are possible under this transit. To avoid this, you must be extra careful to convince others that your interests coincide. Try not to wreak too much havoc. Mars Conjunct Saturn You are likely to feel angry and frustrated under this transit, and it seems that almost everyone is out to rile you. But you won't have the opportunity to express that anger. Your actions will be thwarted and this is not a good day to launch new projects. Find some hard physical activity to work off the energy building inside you so that you don't end up taking it out on yourself. Mars Conjunct Sun This transit brings with it high energy and potential risks. You won't let anyone take advantage of you today, even if it means getting into a physical confrontation. Be careful when dealing with those who sign your paycheck! You will also have excessive physical energy which you will probably want to expend through a physical workout of some sort. Be careful not to overdo it or you might cause injury to yourself. Mars Conjunct Uranus Expect the unexpected. Sudden upsets and surprising incidents characterize this transit. If your relationships to those in authority are restrictive, you are likely to rebel and demand more freedom at this time. Your actions are likely to be impulsive which could lead to an accident. Avoid working with dangerous tools for the next few days, especially if you are feeling annoyed about your lack of freedom. Assert yourself by beginning a new project that you can take credit for later. Mars Conjunct Venus This is the transit for lovers. You will most likely seek out a love partner. With members of the opposite sex, you won't be satisfied to maintain platonic relationships. Sexless relationships begun today won't last long. In addition, creative energies are high today and you might experience the desire to take part in a play or make music if you are artistically inclined. Any activities that involve beauty in motion, such as sculpting or dancing, are favored by this transit. Mars Opposite Jupiter At this time you may be very frustrated at the limits of your circumstances. However, if you've been careful in the past not to overextend yourself or your finances, you may be experiencing great success now for past ventures. Your physical health should be good under this transit, providing you aren't trying to outdo yourself. Mars Opposite Mars This is a difficult transit which is characterized by ego conflicts with others. You have a desire to assert yourself, but you will have difficulty in doing so without provoking confrontations with others. If you suppress your need to be assertive, then others will probably seem overbearing to you. The best you can hope for under this transit is to get things out in the open. Although it is a struggle at this time, try to separate your ego from the issues at hand. Mars Opposite Mercury Under this transit it takes great effort to listen and understand others' points of view. If you don't make this effort, your day will likely be filled with arguments and disputes. Don't try to settle arguments today, as both of you are likely to be entrenched in your own positions. It is best to work alone today if at all possible. This transit also causes you to be accident prone, so be especially careful while driving. In addition, be careful of injury to arms and feet. Mars Opposite Moon This is a time of testing of your close personal relationships. There is a bit of compulsiveness to the way you react to people with whom you are emotionally involved. You may project irrational or unconscious motives onto another. Women are particularly hard to deal with directly under this transit. However, conflict now acts to release unconscious tensions which enable you to know yourself better. Mars Opposite Neptune This transit has an air of deception about it that may lead you to misunderstand another, or may lead another to attempt to deceive you. Avoid any devious action on your own part at this time, as this could lead to major headache and heartache later on. Poor communications may lead to misunderstanding and distrust. As well, you are more susceptible to infections and fever at this time, so avoid excessive stress. Work alone today if at all possible. Mars Opposite Pluto This transit often brings ruthless power struggles. Either you will be successful in your struggle, or you will have to completely give up at this time. Your best bet is to avoid ruthlessness in your own tactics and gather as much support from others as possible. Make your position unassailable and don't try to fight your battle alone. Don't try to exercise authority that you don't have over others at this time. Sometimes this transit brings violence with it, so avoid putting yourself in a situation where your safety is at risk. Mars Opposite Saturn This is a rather difficult transit that may leave you feeling hurt, annoyed and unable to do anything about it. You feel unable to defend yourself against injustice. No matter how inhibited you feel, you should air your grievance. You are succeptible to illness at this time, so you should avoid needless stress to either body or psyche. Mars Opposite Sun Depending on how you handled yourself when Mars was last in square to the sun, this transit could have two different effects. Providing all went well, you will now be seeing the fruits of your labors. Projects begun will be triumphantly completed with attendant rewards. However, if conflicts of Mars square Sun were not resolved, then this will be a time of intense conflict with others. There will be feelings of anger or rage and you may find yourself with enemies out to defeat you. In any case, as with other difficult Mars transits, how you conduct yourself now determines how successful your future efforts will be. Mars Opposite Uranus The energies of this transit may manifest in a variety of ways. You may act rashly toward people who have restricted you in the past. You may cast aside duties and obligations that you feel are impositions. This transit may also act on people around you, causing someone to blow up at you. However, if you've instigated creative changes to your life during past Mars/Uranus transits, you may find your efforts bearing fruit at this time. You can achieve more freedom even though others oppose you. If these energies are suppressed, they could lead to an accident, so take care for the next few days, especially around machinery. Mars Opposite Venus This can be a particularly frustrating time for you, especially with regards to romantic and sexual issues. Mars rules the sex drive while Venus rules romance. Right now, tenderness may seem secondary to your drive to unite with the opposite sex. This can cause friction between you if your partner is not in the same frame of mind. Mars Sextile Jupiter This is considered a lucky transit unless some other transiting aspect interferes. This transit is favored for business and commercial ventures. You are much more likely to get a good deal for yourself at this time. Also, this is an auspicious time for any legal undertaking. As with all Mars-Jupiter transits, this is also a good time to build good muscle tone through physical activities. Mars Sextile Mars This transit provides high energy but doesn't force action. Team sports and community activities that require physical exertion provide great satisfaction at this time. Any physical activities undertaken today will be enjoyable. This transit also favors business negotiations. Mars Sextile Mercury This is a great time to make any plans that will require decisive action to accomplish. Joint planning sessions go well now, and differences of opinion can be worked out. Business and recreational travel is favored under this transit, as are outdoor sports. Mars Sextile Moon During this transit you will most likely seek out friends that provide both intellectual and emotional stimulation. Love affairs are passionate and satisfying at this time. There is an air of impulsiveness to this transit and you are not very likely to be objective. Put off making decisions with long-lasting impact, as circumstances are likely to change quickly. Mars Sextile Neptune This transit brings greater understanding and identity with the world around you. Benefits will come from helping others. Charity work or work within a religious or spiritual group are satisfying activities now. But, find some time to be alone with your thoughts. Insights gained under this transit may alter the course you've set for yourself. Mars Sextile Pluto You may find that you have to make some change in plans to achieve a goal you've set for yourself. However, changes are easily made at this time. Group objectives are achievable under this transit, but you still must work hard for them. Be clear about your goals, move to accomplish them, and success is assured, as long as you avoid stepping on other people's toes. Mars Sextile Saturn Work which requires precision, careful planning and patience is favored under this transit. Remember that you are working toward achieving your future goals. You will be practical and frugal when necessary, and under this transit even in times of plenty you will not waste valuable resources. Mars Sextile Sun You are particularly efficient during this transit. You know your goals clearly and will be able to work well both individually and with others. This is a good time for laying the foundations of advancement because people are noticing your work, the quality of the work is high, and your ability to communicate is excellent. This is a good time to negotiate for reductions in cost, rather than negotiating increases in pay or expense. Mars Sextile Uranus You are likely to feel restless and bored with normal routine matters and you will probably introduce some new elements into your activities. Although this transit will induce you to be more impulsive and less reliable than usual, it also gives you the power to break out of any rut you may have made for yourself. Your thinking will be more original today than usual. Restrictions chafe you. Mars Sextile Venus Although all Mars-Venus transits favor male-female interaction, the sextile of Mars to Venus especially favors interaction within an existing romantic relationship. Your focus will most likely be on having fun together in a group setting such as a party. This transit also favors creative expression. Today would be a good time to study art, especially sculpture. Or, you may want to spend some time redecorating your house. Mars Square Jupiter You may be tempted to overextend yourself today with regard to physical exercise or new business or commercial ventures. Your energy is high and opportunities are many, but don't act rashly. Impulsive action could lead to accidents or overspending. Expand your experiences but keep from recklessness. Mars Square Mars You are feeling as if you own the world today, but you don't. Don't take rash and impulsive action today, as you could alienate those around you. Take your impatience in hand and don't take others' opinions so personally. Also, you are susceptible to accidents and illness under this transit. Avoid stress as much as possible and don't take any physical risks. Mars Square Mercury As with other Mars-Mercury transits, this one brings much energy with it. However, you should be careful what you say to others today, as you are more likely to give and take offense from offhand remarks. At this time it is best to keep your irritation to yourself unless you are absolutely sure you have a real issue to discuss, or others will view your behavior as looking for a fight. Be careful today, especially in driving or operating machinery. Under this transit you are accident prone. Mars Square Moon You may be moody and snappy at this time. In addition, you may experience impulsive and irrational behavior now. You may find yourself in a fight with a family member or a close personal friend, if you react to perceived slights. However, there is the potential to clear the air on past events. Don't read more insult into confrontation than is meant. Also, be careful for the next few days, as frustrated Mars energies may manifest themselves through accidents. Mars Square Neptune This is a difficult Mars transit, often bringing feelings of self- doubt and inadequacy. Past actions may come back to haunt you at this time. You are likely to be confronted by an enemy. You may want to deal with this enemy in a deceitful way because it seems the easiest course to take, but no matter how tempting, avoid this course of action. Otherwise, you'll have even more painful consequences to face later on. Allergies, physical strain and infections can manifest under this transit, so take care extra of your health at this time. Mars Square Pluto This transit stirs your ambition and gives you the energy to accomplish much. However, you are likely to run into severe opposition from others. How you handle these tests determine whether you will use this transit to your benefit. Make sure other projects are completed before going ahead with new ones. Take great pains to respect others, and you should be able to achieve your objectives. Underhanded or ruthless tactics now will destroy all you've built when Mars next conjoins or opposes your natal Pluto. Those who hold authority over you have the stronger position under this transit, so avoid confrontations with bosses as you are sure to lose. In addition, this transit sometimes brings violence with it, so avoid areas where you might meet with personal danger from others. Mars Square Saturn Under this transit, you may be feeling somewhat inadequate. This unfortunate view is likely to be reinforced by those you hold in esteem or those who exercise authority over you. If you proceed very carefully you can still make this day a success. However, if you become careless, then you are likely to experience an inner rage that will be quite obvious to those around you. Limit your activities to those that you know you can handle carefully at this time. Mars Square Sun As with all Mars-Sun transits, this is a time of high energy for you. However, right now it will seem that everyone and everything is testing your will and the validity of your work. Watch out for arguments and physical confrontations! Try to come to a compromise, no matter how difficult or unjust that may seem. Your ability to communicate your position and come to a successful resolution is key to whether or not you will succeed during your next Mars Opposite Sun transit. Mars Square Uranus This transit tests the flexibility of your life and environment. If you haven't been able to bring some creative and novel influence into your life in the recent past, then you are likely to rebel against all restrictions in your life at this time. This may lead to a rebellion out of proportion with your circumstances. However, if you incorporate some changes to your life on a regular basis, then this transit will test the validity of those changes with constant disruptions to your environment. Avoid excess stress at this time. Mars Square Venus This transit brings into focus the balance of give and take in your existing relationships. If you or your partner have been neglecting the needs of the other, this will become especially clear today. Sexual desire is high and the relationship may come in to jeopardy if your partner is less sexually inclined. However, providing that sex is not the issue, and that you are both willing to talk, conflict can be avoided and the balance set aright. Mars Trine Jupiter This transit favors business ventures and taking calculated risks. Mars acting upon Jupiter tends to open up new horizons, enabling you to grow in a variety of ways. Physical energy is high and you should be feeling in top form. Others will think you have "the luck of the Irish" today. Mars Trine Mars This is an excellent time to start new projects, especially those which involve physical exertion and group activities, providing the others can keep up with your energetic pace. Your self-confidence is running high and you can get your point across without being overly aggressive. You will be particularly attracted to projects which will give you recognition at this time. Mars Trine Mercury This transit favors both mental efforts and physical pursuits. Spend some time studying or learning through group discussion, as well as toning up. Negotiations, planning, and writing are favored under this transit Travel under your own power if at all possible, either by bicycle or through walking. Mars Trine Moon At this time you will consciously seek out intense emotional experiences. Your straightforward approach is rather disarming and charming. In addition, you will either love or hate intensely whomever comes into your life during this transit. Although you will be tolerant of others' viewpoints, you won't let them invade your space. In fact you will tend to let everyone know exactly what the limits are. Mars Trine Neptune This is a terrific time to involve yourself in spiritual studies, as your focus now is on identification with your surroundings, others and the universe. You may be inclined to help people, so charity work is an option. Avoid identifying with the image of "The Savior" or "The Martyr" because this can undermine your understanding of your relationship to others. Mars Trine Pluto Mars energies work for the good of the self, whereas Pluto energies work for the good of society. Therefore, to gain the most benefit from this transit, make sure your actions benefit people around you as well as yourself. If you do this, then you will receive much credit for the good you've accomplished. However, if you work solely for your own benefit under this transit, especially if this is against the good of people around you, your successes will be short-lived. Mars Trine Saturn You'll have no problems with intricate and detailed work today. In fact, this transit practically demands that you work in this way. Work that otherwise might seem plodding and boring can be accomplished with relative ease. Credit for attention to detail is possible and may lead to an increased salary. Your goals now are modest and well- defined. Mars Trine Sun Energies are high and self-confidence is strong. This is a good transit for accomplishing work started earlier. Your work is much more effective than usual and you are able to get a lot done. In addition, this is a very good time for physical competition and sports. Your vitality and enthusiasm make good impressions especially with men and with employers. Mars Trine Uranus This can be a time of great personal growth. New encounters and unexpected and exciting events that give you new insight are likely to take place. You are more willing to take personal risks at this time, and even the act of risk-taking makes you feel more free and alive. You are aware that others disapprove, but that means little to you now. Mars Trine Venus This transit represents the balance between your need to be yourself and your desire to relate to others. As Mars also represents the sex drive and Venus represents romance and beauty, now is the perfect time to spend with a romantic partner. However, this transit isn't strong enough to bring about a new relationship if one doesn't already exist. In any case this transit also favors all creative endeavors, especially those that have some physical component, such as dancing, acting and making music.