Sun Conjunct Jupiter Your are feeling good both mentally and physically. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you'll want to expand your horizons. This may manifest as a desire to travel, or experience new sensations, or to study ideas that you previously thought were beyond your grasp. This drive to experience more may lead you to overindulge today. You may take on projects that are too much for you, or you may try out every impulse that comes to mind. You run the risk of investing foolishly due to your overly optimistic outlook. Even with these negatives, today is likely to be an enjoyable one and a valuable learning experience. Sun Conjunct Mars Your physical energies are high today and you should spend some time in physical activity. You won't feel much like taking orders from others, and you will become irritable if you don't get the recognition and respect you think you deserve. A hike in the woods or some other physical exertion will go a long way toward dispelling disruptive energies. If a physical outlet isn't available, accidents may happen or you may become ill. Sun Conjunct Mercury Emphasis today will be on communications and short-distance travel. Expect more phone calls, letters, and face-to-face talks than usual. New business ventures are favored under this transit, as is making plans for your future. Indulge your need to move around by taking a drive. Sun Conjunct Moon This transit brings your emotions and personal life into prominent light. You know your own motivations and emotions very well and unconscious attitudes will surface today where you can get a good look at them. Use this time to change those areas of your personality that aren't particularly pleasing to you. Sun Conjunct Neptune This transit is characterized by the drive to identify with others and to understand the underlying meaning of things. However, it may bring about a suppression of your own ego, unless you are also experiencing some Mars transits at this time. This could lead to a feeling of inability to cope with the demands of the world and you may be inclined to drift off into an idealized fantasy world. You are particularly at risk from abuse of alcohol or drugs at this time, so these should be avoided. Even prescription drugs can cause adverse reactions. Meditation can bring some relief. Sun Conjunct Pluto This is a powerful transit that brings about profound changes within. Whatever you do today you will do whole-heartedly. You may feel this influence as the desire to build some new structure or to repair something that has broken down, such as a car or an electrical appliance. On the other hand, you may be motivated to reorder your life or repair some situation or relationship that has become unbearable. This transit may also manifest as a power play, either from you or from someone who is trying to exert control over you. You may find that you have to vigorously defend your way of doing things. In some instances you may find yourself in personal danger, so avoid areas of violent crime. Sun Conjunct Saturn Under this transit your attention is drawn to your responsibilities, both imagined and real. Unfinished matters may haunt you or you may receive new responsibilities. Your physical energy is low, so you should focus only on those tasks that absolutely must be done. If you ignore those tasks, they will become an oppressive burden later on. Planning and organizing activities are favored, though you should take care not to overly constrain people around you. You may feel somewhat alone and depressed today, but by focusing on your work you will accomplish much of lasting importance. Sun Conjunct Sun Today is your astrological birthday, even though the calendar date may not match. The sun is now in the exact position in the sky as it was on the date of your birth. This sun position brings new beginnings and how you feel today will affect your outlook for the entire coming year. Use the other aspects present on this date as a general forecast for the coming year. Sun Conjunct Uranus This transit brings surprises in the form of odd behavior coming from you and those around you. Change of some kind is inevitable today because Uranus brings the drive to break out of the mold. If you are inordinately fond of your everyday routine, this transit may go hard on you. On the other hand, if you make it a habit to incorporate change into your life on a regular basis then you won't feel much anxiety at this time. In fact, you may feel excited by the opportunities that this transit brings. You should plan to do something out of the ordinary today, rather than wait for surprises to crop up. Otherwise, you may experience this change in the form of destructive rebellion. Impulsive actions may lead to an accident if you don't let the Uranus energy express itself. Sun Conjunct Venus This transit manifests as self-expression through creative endeavors and relationships. Your appreciation for beauty and art will be stimulated and you should spend as much time in beautiful surroundings as possible. In addition, you should get together with friends. Your natural warmth and friendliness are evident to everyone. Sun Opposite Jupiter You will most likely feel optimistic and cheerful today. With a little self-discipline, this transit is likely to be a good one for you. You must take care not to go overboard or overreach your grasp, or it could lead to problems later. Overindulgence in food and drink, or overspending are a hazard. Make sure your self-confidence doesn't come across as arrogance to others. Avoid the desire to teach people your wisdom today, especially your superiors at work. And be especially careful not to make commitments that you have no hope of keeping. If you keep these things in mind and avoid impulsive behavior, you will gain the respect and admiration of those around you. Sun Opposite Mars This transit brings the culmination of your activities and projects. Success at this time depends on how well you know your own motivations and how well you handled past confrontations. If your motives are largely unconscious, then you will experience this transit as wild self-assertion or aggressive actions and opposition from others. If you find yourself becoming angry today, stop and take stock of the situation. Once you discover what you are angry about, you may find that it isn't important, and only your ego is involved. Don't try to suppress your anger, as this can only lead to illness. Instead try to resolve the things that truly matter. Sun Opposite Mercury This transit manifests as intense communications, especially with those whose positions conflict with your own. You may be overly concerned with making your point, but if you don't listen to the views of others you could end up in easily avoided disputes. Sometimes conflict cannot be avoided, but the trick is to know when this is true. This will be a mentally exhausting day unless you can avoid excessively nerve-wracking confrontations. Sun Opposite Moon This transit brings tension between your emotional needs and your public or professional persona. If you have a habit of denying the validity of emotions, then this day will be very tense for you. Your emotional needs will make themselves known, even if they must come out in explosive confrontation. On the other hand, if you are in touch with your feelings and use them to guide you in a balanced way, then today you will experience none of the tension mentioned above. Sun Opposite Neptune This transit usually brings confusion and uncertainty, low self-esteem and deception. At this time you may lack the self-confidence needed to successfully face open confrontation with others. If someone tries to force an issue with you, you should put the issue off until you feel you can handle it. If you simply agree with that person or lie to avoid an argument you will feel much worse. Don't let yourself become a martyr because this behavior is self defeating. This is not the time to work out contractual agreements because there is a risk of deception and misunderstanding. Sun Opposite Pluto This transit brings intense encounters which illuminate unknown or ignored aspects of yourself. These encounters will most likely take the form of power struggles with others, especially with those who exert authority over you. You will be forced to defend your position. However, you should not display arrogance or a domineering attitude, as this will further aggravate the situation. If you are reasonable and try to understand the other person's point of view it will be much more likely that you will come to a valid compromise. At the same time, you should stand up for yourself and calmly air any grievances. Make sure that you elicit backing from others as you are sure to fail if you try to face this opposition alone. If you handle this successfully, today will bring satisfaction and new beginnings. Sun Opposite Saturn This transit is characterized by the conflict between your need for self-expression and your duties to others. A balance must be maintained between both. Under this transit you will be consciously aware of restrictions placed on you by circumstances and you may feel a sense of aloneness that may be overwhelming. Your needs and obligations must both be met. If you let your own needs rule, you will find yourself in conflict with others. On the other hand, if you sacrifice your needs totally to a single-minded focus on your duties, you will feel restless, constrained and unrewarded. Let both your own feelings and the reactions of others to guide you when seeking a balance. Sun Opposite Sun This transit brings the culmination and completion of some area of endeavor. Expect opposition from those in authority whose ambitions conflict with yours. Whether you have experienced success or failure at this time, take it in stride as a learning experience and move on to new activities. Sun Opposite Uranus Personal encounters will bring surprises today. These surprises may be quite disruptive, or they may bring exciting changes to your life, depending on how restrictive your relationships are. New encounters are also likely to bring surprises or upsets. The energies of this transit force you to take into consideration those things which you have buried or ignored. If you are feeling restless, take this as a sign that there is something you should examine within yourself. If you try to suppress these energies you may be prone to accidents today. Sun Opposite Venus Under this transit you have the opportunity to learn something of value about yourself through your relationships with others. Reactions to those around you will highlight your own motives and concerns. The significance of these revelations will vary depending on transits of the outer planets that may also be in effect at this time. Sun Sextile Jupiter This is one of the few transits considered to be lucky. Unless other transiting planets constrain you in some way, you should be successful in any undertaking. Participation in group activities is favored and you could learn something of value from you superiors today. Spend some time in review of your plans for the future. Sun Sextile Mars Your energies are high today and you should spend some time in physical pursuits. Under this transit you work well with others, but you are also able to assert yourself if the situation warrants it. If you find yourself in a position to take control of a project or to become group leader, keep in mind that this transit favors working for group objectives. Personal goals will be easier to achieve later if group objectives are your focus now. Sun Sextile Mercury This transit brings clear communications. You can present important ideas today without fear of being misunderstood. As such, this transit favors presentations before a group and communications of all kinds. In addition, this transit favors commercial transactions as clear and quick thinking are its hallmarks. Travel is also favored especially if it stimulates your mind. This is an excellent time for study, to attend a lecture or go to a museum. Sun Sextile Moon This transit brings an emotional and personal balance and promotes harmony in relationships between men and women. Time can be well spent with friends and loved ones. Now, before obstacles arise, discuss with someone close those problems you have in your personal life. These issues will be much more difficult to deal with if you wait until you are forced to confront them. Sun Sextile Neptune Self expression is accomplished through helping others at this time and you will be happy to help someone out if they ask. Under this transit you identify strongly with those around you and you are likely to be attracted to community service or working within a charitable organization. In addition, mystical, metaphysical and occult subjects appeal to you and you will probably seek out contact in one of these areas to gain a greater understanding of underlying realities. Sun Sextile Pluto This transit enables you to make needed changes to personal circumstances and this is a good time to clean up disorganized and confusing issues in your life. If you are associated with an organization you will probably be forced to realign your focus on those things that are important to group. Neighborhood organizations, working groups, friends and business associates will put pressure on you to conform to their goals. If you are working on personal or social problems, this is the time to get to the root issues. Superficial explanations won't suffice and you will be inclined to dig deeply. Self-help programs which focus on personal transformation appeal to you at this time. Sun Sextile Saturn You are likely to display great self-discipline and organizing ability. Planning and detailed work are favored activities today. Your serious approach to work is likely to attract favorable attention from superiors. Also, if you are experiencing problems or concerns about your responsibilities, this is an excellent time to seek the advise of an older or more experienced person. Sun Sextile Sun Your ability to socialize and work closely with others is highlighted now. You are particularly aware of how your social persona defines you in the eyes of others, allowing you to affirm your own identify. Use this opportunity of insight into how others view you as a tool for self-examination. The key phrase here is clarity of perception for your reflected personality. Sun Sextile Uranus Encounters today are likely to bring enlightening experiences even if those encounters are with familiar acquaintances. Your curiosity is likely to be aroused so you should spend some time in creative intellectual pursuits. This transit also brings the desire to get away from restrictions and you aren't likely to feel much self- discipline unless you are also experiencing a Saturn transit at the same time. This is your opportunity to do away with anything that restricts self expression. Sun Sextile Venus Under this transit your warmth and affection attract those around you. Although it is easy for you to make good impressions today, when meeting new people you should avoid a phoney act as this will bring problems later on. In existing relationships your natural affection could be put to good use to undo tensions with friends and loved ones. In addition to the personal aspects this transit also favors financial arrangements, especially negotiations for attaining funds. Sun Square Jupiter Self-discipline is required today. Your energy and enthusiasm are high and you should be able to accomplish much, as long as you avoid the tendency to overreach yourself. You will most likely be feeling generous, but don't become extravagant in your giving. You may also experience some conflict with others, but as long as you don't come across as arrogant you should be able to win them to your side. Take care to examine other points of view. Cultivate a compassionate attitude in yourself. Sun Square Mars This square tests your motivations. Serious ego conflicts are possible with others. If there is a flaw in your plan, it will become evident. Others will look purposefully for ways to challenge your position. Keep your head down today, especially around superiors. Also, physical energy is high and you may cause an accident if you don't find a constructive outlet. Exert yourself physically in exercise to dispel these aggressive energies. Sun Square Mercury This is a day of increased communication and intense mental activity. This transit manifests as interactions with others that may be opposed to your position. Confrontations will test the validity of your ideas. This gives you the opportunity to discover flaws in your own thinking, as well presenting you with opportunities to reconcile differences of opinion. Be self-critical so that your ideas become stronger and can stand up under an onslaught of criticisms from others. Sun Square Moon You will experience a conflict between your conscious personality and your unconscious emotional responses, compulsions and habits. If you are emotionally balanced, then the severity of this transit is lessened. In most instances, this is usually experienced as inner turmoil and anxiety and may manifest outwardly as impulsive action, irritability and excessive emotionalism. Confrontation with bosses or arguments with family members will cause the conflicting elements of your unconscious to surface. Use this opportunity to examine these conflicting motivations and personality traits when they arise. Sun Square Neptune Your physical energy is low today, unless other transits bring it. As a consequence, you should take the day off and rest. On a psychological level you may feel somewhat discouraged by your circumstances. Don't take on ambitious projects today or try to do work that requires sustained effort and self-confidence. If you find yourself in a confrontation today, your first reaction will to be to dissemble or take a devious course of action. Avoid this impulse as it will lead to problems later. On the other hand, others may try to deceive you at this time, so examine what others say very carefully. Don't become discouraged with the disparity between the real circumstances around you and your ideal fantasy world. These feelings will pass. Sun Square Pluto This transit brings powerful pressures and forces into your life. You may find that these forces oppose you and test the validity of your lifestyle. Events today will force you to acknowledge invalid behavior patterns and situations that you don't need in your life. The best way to use this energy is to make changes in your life in areas illuminated by conflicts. Confrontations with those who have authority and power over you are highly likely under this influence. If you handle such challenges well, you will derive great satisfaction from these conflicts and this will be a source of personal strength in the future. In addition, as with all Sun-Pluto transits, there is a possibility of machines and situations breaking down at this time. Fix what you can. Sun Square Saturn This transit is characterized by conflict between your responsibilities to others and your desire for self gratification. You will most likely feel that circumstances are preventing you from doing something that you really want to do and you will probably resent such restrictions. You may experience some difficulty with those in authority, but this is not necessary. If you really want to break free today, then work out a compromise. Sun Square Sun This is a time of challenge and crisis that will test the validity of your actions. You may be challenged directly or indirectly by someone who opposes you or you may experience difficulty in getting a new project underway. In any case, these manifestations will force you to evaluate the worthiness of your activities. Sun Square Uranus This transit can be quite disruptive to your everyday routine. Expect sudden upsets in plans as well as manifestations of odd or unusual behavior. You could be in for trouble if you try to restrict the people close to you or if they try to contain you at this time. If you consciously seek out changesome of these upsets can be put to good use to break you out of stifling routines. However, if you try to suppress this energy by placing further restrictions on yourself, you are likely to experience accidents during this transit. Let some impulses carry you away today. Just make sure that this impulsive action doesn't make a total shambles of your life! Sun Square Venus Under this transit you will seek out experiences of beauty and pleasure, sometimes at the expense of common sense. You may be inclined to overindulge yourself, spending money foolishly, or get into situations which you will regret later on. On the other hand, you may simply spend the day on craft projects or just relaxing with friends. In any case, you are likely to enjoy yourself today. Sun Trine Jupiter This transit usually brings peace and harmony in all aspects of your life, providing there is not a strong negative influence operating from other transiting planets. You will have the tendency to let the day go by and just enjoy the good feelings. However, you could put this day to good use by reviewing your life and your activities. If changes are needed, they can be accomplished today with relative ease. Even if some aspects of your current life must be culled, you will feel little loss in doing so today. Activities which bring new experiences and new knowledge are favored. Sun Trine Mars Today is an excellent time to work alone in a physically demanding activity. Under this transit you should examine your motivations, plans and projects. The better you get to know yourself at this time, the less difficulty you will have in future confrontations. Take time to review your current projects, eliminate those that are fruitless, firm up those that have promise, and begin new ones that are necessary. Seek your own counsel in this. Sun Trine Mercury This transit brings increased understanding of both your own ideas and goals and the position and thinking of others. You have no difficulty in getting your point across today. In addition, you are aware of the effect your ideas have on others. Study and recreational trips are favored activities under this transit. Sun Trine Moon This is a time of inner peace and harmony for you, a time when you should evaluate your recent past and prepare for your near future using your experience as a learning tool. Make an effort to correct areas of your life that need shoring up and make compromises with others to smooth out relationships. Sun Trine Neptune This transit brings into focus your idealism and your desire to understand deeper reality. Meditation and study of spiritual and metaphysical ideas are favored activities at this time. Also, you may feel that your loved ones are more than simple human beings today and you will work hard for their benefit if asked. You derive great pleasure from helping others and doing good work. However, make sure that your work is done for persons worthy of the effort or you may end up resenting it in the future. Sometimes this transit brings mystical experiences or flashes of ESP. Sun Trine Pluto Under this transit you need and will most likely seek out powerful experiences in order to derive a deeper meaning from life. Use this time to examine your inner motivations, desires and needs in life and use them to make changes which will benefit you. Such changes are easily made under this transit and you would derive great satisfaction from your accomplishments. In personal encounters you have the ability to forcefully impress others if you need to. Avoid ruthless and selfish behavior or you may set into motion powerful opposition. This is an excellent time for beginning a course of study or for getting work accomplished that must be done. In fact your personal power enables you to accomplish things at this time that would otherwise be difficult at best. Sun Trine Saturn This transit is characterized by self discipline and focused energy on attaining your goals. You will most likely express yourself through those structures you've built up around you. Your environment can give you great insight into yourself at this time. Your needs are best fulfilled today by throwing yourself into your work. You are able to make meticulous plans under this transit and your work is thorough. As a consequence, you can achieve much of lasting value. Sun Trine Sun Today is a time of smooth sailing for you and all opposition seems to have melted away. However, this transit's effects are felt for no more than three days, with only a single day in which the effects are strong. For this reason you should use this time to get your affairs in order, to shore up areas of your life where you have been experiencing problems. You have the energy and opportunity to do this now. Sun Trine Uranus This transit brings high energy and a sense of excitement. Your curiosity is aroused and you will tend to focus on pursuits that bring new awareness and understanding. Self discipline is lacking today, except where your interests lie. This is a good day to study unusual or exotic subjects, such as the occult, metaphysics, or any subject which you find unusual. New encounters and new experiences are likely to expand your understanding of life. Sun Trine Venus This transit is one of light-hearted and enjoyable times. You are particularly sensitive to beauty and this transit favors buying art objects or other things of beauty. Purchases today are likely to be a good investment over the long run. Spend the day in the company of loved ones.