Venus Conjunct Jupiter Your self-discipline, especially about financial matters, is lacking during this transit. Fortunately, this won't cause you much pain as it is also a very lucky transit for getting money. You are in a particularly friendly frame of mind and this is a good time to throw or go to a party. Expect to meet a new love or to rekindle an old flame. Venus Conjunct Mars Expect to be on the prowl, sexually. Sexual encounters are favored very highly during this transit, but don't count on a long term relationship developing out of this unless other transits are mitigating the situation. The key word here is lust. Venus Conjunct Mercury Today your mind seems to lightly skip from one light topic to another and you are feeling quite sociable. During this transit you might want to read or write poetry or take a short trip to visit friends or just take in a view. You are able to express your affection quite easily at this time and you will make a favorable impression if you are involved in business transactions. Venus Conjunct Moon At this time you are able to contact your feelings of love and affection, especially for people with whom you share a past. These good feelings have an air of fantasy about them and you'll spend some time daydreaming about good things. Stay at home and concern yourself with domestic life and just spend time talking with family members. Conversations with your mother may bring insight today. Venus Conjunct Neptune You are not going to be very practical during this transit. Your feelings of love will be very unselfish and giving -- perhaps more than is reasonable or wise. Your fantasies and daydreams are likely to cloud both your perceptions and judgement. Keep a rein on spending. Venus Conjunct Pluto You desire intense and emotionally charged love experiences and you will test your relationships during this transit; possibly to destruction. Curb your inclination to psych your partner with emotional ploys as these will backfire on you. New relationships begun under this transit will most likely be stormy and passionate, but probably won't last long. Venus Conjunct Saturn Your focus is on examining your love life and you would do well to seek advice from more experienced people. This may be a time of departure from a loved one. During this short transit you will be feeling lonely. Have patience as this transit passes quickly. Venus Conjunct Sun Right now you want to express your affection to someone you love and you are very attractive to the opposite sex. Pursue light amusements with a group of friends. This is a good day to express any artistic talents you may have. Venus Conjunct Uranus Expect to be pleasantly surprised. Unexpected developments, especially concerning love and creativity are highlighted. You will be seeking excitement and may become irritable if you can't get loose from your routine to try something new. Be careful now of preserving your long-term relationships, as you may do something you'll regret. If you've thought about an investment or purchase prior to this transit, it should be a good time to take the plunge. However, any ideas that involve spending large sums that first occurred to you during this transit may be unwise. Venus Conjunct Venus This transit signifies new beginnings, especially in matters of love and beauty. Even long-standing relationships may undergo a revitalization at this time. In addition, you may want to buy something new today, a piece of artwork, some clothing, music or a work of literature, anything as long as it appeals to your sense of beauty. Venus Opposite Jupiter The key word here is overindulgence, which you will do, no matter what we say. So, make sure you enjoy yourself. Your diet is definitely in danger. Be aware that your powers of self-regulation are at an ebb, and make the extra effort for discipline. Specific dangers to look out for - spending money on shiny toys, and starting relationships with attractive but essentially empty people. Venus Opposite Mars Sex during this transit is either going to be very, very good or just plain rotten. If you are seeking a new sexual relationship, take care. You're not feeling particularly choosey, just now, and are liable to pick less than a winner. Any arguments you may have now with folks of the other sex are based in your high sexual energy and need for ego expression. Take this into account, and try to go easy. Venus Opposite Mercury You may experience the desire to communicate your feelings with those around you. If you are experiencing problems with your partner, then this is a good time to express those concerns. Unless you are also experiencing hard transits to your natal Moon, you will be feeling somewhat objective about your concerns, making them easier to express in a straightforward and clear way. On the other hand, you may be less careful about the feelings of others today. Venus Opposite Moon You are probably experiencing a wave of emotion right now, particularly in regards to an existing relationship. At this time, your feelings of nurturance may be in conflict somewhat with the needs and desires of your partner. If not, then you will tend to indulge yourself today with just plain good feelings. Venus Opposite Neptune You are particularly susceptible to self-delusion during this transit, especially involving love. Avoid wishful thinking about inequalities between partners. Any ideals or assumptions not firmly based in fact which you are considering now are suspect. Take a second look. Venus Opposite Pluto You will be tempted to wander off the path during this transit, seeking a route out of the ordinary and familiar. This is not a safe time for casual flirtation, as you may very easily find yourself in a situation injurious to both yourself and someone you truly love. Be aware that you are going to be more manipulative than you ordinarily are, and be sure that you are harnessing this impulse to constructive purposes. Venus Opposite Saturn This is not a fun transit. You're going to feel self-involved, self- pitying, and dour. If you can get over yourself, you have a chance to make some discoveries about ways you could treat other people better, especially those folks who love you. This is a short transit, so things are bound to get better soon. Venus Opposite Sun You will not feel much like working during this transit. Self indulgence and seeking pleasant recreation are your focus today. You may find that you are particularly attracted to someone, but your powers of discernment are not at their best. If you decide to start a love affair, try to be discrete, as this will most likely not be a long-lasting relationship. Venus Opposite Uranus Make new friends and go to new places during this transit. Your daily routine will be an irritation to you, that you are liable to escape via flirtation. This flirtation is relatively safe now, so go for it! Don't expect, however, to start a long-lasting relationship now, unless some other transit favorable to love is also present. Venus Opposite Venus You are probably feeling rather self-indulgent at the moment and you probably won't get any real work done today. Watch your spending habits a little more carefully under this transit, as you will tend to spend too much. In addition, you have a tendency to give in at this time rather than fight against the flow. Don't conclude any contractual obligations under this transit, as you won't be satisfied with the results later. Venus Sextile Jupiter Everything you do under this transit will result in an eventual even exchange. You will be feeling peaceful and benevolent, making you good company. This is not a particularly good time to get too serious about anything, but rather a time to enjoy good conversations. Your business life will be best enhanced now by building relationships with suppliers and customers, without an immediate business goal in sight. Relationships of all kinds begun now will be beneficial and healthy for all involved. Venus Sextile Mars Even if you never party, party now. You need to be with a group of people, especially folks involved in unique, unusual activities. There is a strong chance of financial opportunity here, in a project which will involve your emotions. Your sexual desirability is also on the upswing, so get out there and let the folks have a look at you. Venus Sextile Mercury You are very much aware of the beauty that surrounds you right now. This is the perfect time for light-hearted get-togethers with friends. If you are involved in commercial activities now is the perfect time to conclude transactions, especially if they involve buying or selling products. If you are not busy, this transit is the perfect time for a trip to the countryside. Venus Sextile Moon Relationships with female friends and relatives are very good today, and they may provide you with a welcome opportunity. Expect visitors to your home. You are on a particularly feminine wavelength now, regardless of your gender, and may have difficulty communicating with men or any persons displaying strong Mars characteristics. . Venus Sextile Neptune You will be open to beauty today. Your creative spirit is enhanced under this transit, which may manifest as daydreaming and drifting attention. Be aware that your internal censors will denying the existence of unpleasant and demanding things now. Venus Sextile Pluto Expect your emotions to be deep and powerfully felt today. This is not a time during which you will be able to accept superficiality. You will be digging for truth and seeking root causes, especially in your love relationships. You may be caught up in an intense relationship now, against your will. Venus Sextile Saturn You'll be interested now in service to others, especially where this service will improve your relationships with friends and lover(s). You'll be effective in discovering the needs of others and in communicating your needs. Your self-discipline is in gear, so this a good time to tackle activities requiring focus and attention to detail. Venus Sextile Sun Today is a day to spend in group activities with friends. If you need a favor now is the time to ask. This is also a good day for interviews or promotions. You may find new friends during this transit. You are motivated to help others solve problems today. Venus Sextile Uranus You'll be an interesting, stimulating person to be around to today, so get out and mingle. This is an excellent time for you make initial contacts that might develop into intense or important relationships for you later. Your self-confidence is up, providing you with the strength not to feel challenged by a friend or lover's need now for personal growth and experimentation. Venus Sextile Venus Today you are feeling relaxed and simply enjoying yourself. You would probably prefer just to ease the day away, but if you must work, you will do so willingly and cheerfully. Business transactions are in your favor at this time and everything is moving along just as it should. Venus Square Jupiter You are feeling good. This will rub off on the folks around you, and you'll all have a good time. This is the right time to throw a party. Be just a little careful in displaying your good feelings about yourself in ways that may be interpreted as arrogant, however, and make sure you really can afford to make a major purchase you might be considering. Venus Square Mars Your sexual side will express itself during this transit, one way or another, for good or ill. If you are in a sexual relationship balanced by love, it will be a very nice time. Any sexual inequities between you and you partner, however, will be expressed in arguments and discord. If you are seeking a new love relationship, be aware that you are "leading with your libido" now and the chances are very high that you may choose someone primarily for physical reasons. Venus Square Mercury You are lacking in mental discipline today and may experience problems if this is required. If there are other planets squaring your natal chart today, you may experience problems and arguments with loved ones. If you find yourself in such a dispute, you will tend to give up your position rather than argue about it. Venus Square Moon Today you may have a tendency to be overly attentive in your relationships, or to experience this from someone close to you. This is a good characteristic to display if you are taking care of a young child, but not so welcome in adult relationships! This transit can indicate problems in your relationship to your mother. Venus Square Neptune Be careful of your expectations of loved ones now. You may be dealing with them on the basis of what you think is real, rather than what truly is. You will prefer not to deal with reality today, but should make a special effort to avoid incorporating fantasy into your view of the world. Artistic work now will be inspired, and perhaps safer and more pleasant working on your relationships. Venus Square Pluto Your relationship with a partner is changing during this transit. Get used to it. Make sure any accommodations you are making to preserve the relationship are things you both will want to live with. There is a tendency here to cling, to succumb to insecurities. Relationships that make it through this transit with equality for both partners will be entering a "Golden Age", for a time. Do not count on stability for the present. Venus Square Saturn You will be feeling somewhat removed and introspective. Your loved ones may interpret this as coolness and indifference, so make an attempt to explain that you are just having a little time out for yourself. Be mindful that this kind of introspection may lead to an enhanced awareness of the limits of communication between people. Any feelings of isolation or depression you may be feeling during this transit are self-generated, a function of your need to "go inside." You will learn things about yourself now that will help you find joy later. Venus Square Sun You will not feel much like working during this transit. Self indulgence and seeking pleasant recreation are your focus today. You will tend to compromise now, feeling that it isn't worth the hassle to defend your position. Be careful not to give up something of value. Try not to over-eat today, as this transit often brings weight gain and indigestion. Venus Square Uranus This is a mild transit, best suited to easy-going pursuits. Innocent flirtation, a movie or theatre matinee, or a stroll through an art gallery are all favorably indicated. Watch your budget, but have fun. Chances are also good that you and your partner may be able to air some things that have been going on under the surface. The mellow feeling of this transit will ease your relationship. Venus Square Venus As with other Venus transits, your affectionate and easy-going nature is evident today. However, be careful at this time not to compromise simply to keep the good feelings flowing. If you give in now, someone may take advantage of you. Try not to spend too much money and put a little extra effort in at work even if you don't feel like it. It could pay off later on. Venus Trine Jupiter You'll be feeling about as lazy and content as you ever do, during this transit. It's a good time to throw a party or start a vacation. Don't plan on starting a new project that requires a lot of focus and determination, just now. Financially, this is a lucky time. Investments in the arts are favored. Venus Trine Mars This is a good time to be direct. You'll be able to speak to the heart of a matter without seeming arrogant. This a good time to start a sexual relationship, which, whether or not it is long lasting, will certainly be the cause of pleasant memories for you both. You are feeling a good balance between your ego and the needs of others. Venus Trine Mercury This transit brings a combination of beauty, affection and stimulation of the mind. Today is a good day to discuss any snags you may have with significant others because you will be able to express both your love and your concerns clearly. In addition, if you've been planning a long vacation, today is the perfect day to begin. In any case, you will probably experience great feelings of pleasure with your surroundings. Venus Trine Moon This transit brings with it deep feelings of love and affection, especially for the women in your life. People around you will respond favorably to this air of affection and this is the perfect time for doing group work. At this time you may concern yourself with making improvements to your home, especially in making it more beautiful. Venus Trine Neptune You are not going to make a lot of visible progress today. However, your daydreaming will contribute to later productivity. You will feel warm and loving, but the message will not get out. People will be wondering why you seem so dazed and drifty. If you can't afford this perception, make an extra effort to focus in on what people are saying and doing. Venus Trine Pluto Emotional intensity is the theme of this transit. You'll be feeling powerfully attracted to someone, and perhaps be on the verge of beginning an intense new relationship. Be prepared and receptive to insights about yourself and your relationships. Artistic expression now will result in works which powerfully convey your inner landscape. You will be more physical than intellectual at this time. Venus Trine Saturn Stability and sobriety are the keywords of this transit. Any new relationship you may enter into during this time will be long-lasting and comforting, rather than wildly romantic. This a good time for mature consideration of the long haul and your practicality is very emphasized. Your business life may plateau for awhile, but will be well maintained under your careful stewardship. Venus Trine Sun This day is particularly good for all types of social activities, especially parties. Personal relationships are at their all-time best during this transit, with affection flowing freely. Your artistic talents are likely to be stimulated at this time especially in the area of craft making. This should be an all-around pleasant day for you. Venus Trine Uranus You will want experiment with your love life during this time. You are not particularly interested in a long-lasting, stable relationship, just now, but rather are looking for stimulation. Be careful of your destructive tendencies. Remember just how valuable your loved ones are to you usually, and be mindful of the pain you can cause. Venus Trine Venus This transit is known for being quite lucky as Venus tends to draw things to it such as money, fortunate circumstances, people and objects of beauty. If you are willing to relax today and just let life flow to you as it will, you could be in for excellent opportunities. You might spend a romantic evening with someone special.