Title: BBS - Advanced Technology - Virtual Reality Written BY: Michael T. Huggett SysOp of: Dark Steel Systems It has been thought that Bulletin Board Systems were only for those who had lots of time on their hands, a small dark room and an incurable need to 'hack' at a computer keyboard till the wee hours of the morning. Times obviously have changed. The bulletin board system; better known as a BBS has taken root in many places and for many different reasons. At this time there is a BBS for every topic you can think of. They carry huge file areas, conference areas and other special features which at one time hadn't even been thought of. As the evolution of the BBS architecture gradually becomes more powerful, the limits of their use begins to diminish. The latest craze (at least in Canada) is the use of graphical interfaces such as RIPscripts. RIP stands for Remote Imaging Protocol, thus it has enhanced the quality of graphics that a BBS SysOp can offer to his/her users. There are also several other forms of graphics modules that will enhance a BBS to the near-graphic quality of a windows environment. So, you ask, what will the future bring? Good question! The future is incredible! The quality of software that is being produced along with advanced hardware engineering, we are slowly coming upon the age of virtual reality. The ability to be anywere and do anything from the comfort of your own home via a virtual network. Imagine if we combined a virtual environment with the Architectural idea of a Bulletin Board System. No longer would we be sitting at a terminal reading the letters and words of messages, we would be speaking them in real time to another user, who in reality could be hundreds of miles away, but within the virtual room would be sitting across from us. Imagine if you offered a dating service on-line. There are a great many BBSs today that offer such features. Imagine if you could call the BBS (in virtual reality mode), walk into a 'waiting room', and look for someone else to enter it with the details of your liking. Imagine if you could get over the hurdles of first dates simply by being on-line with another user. For BBSs that offer Adult material, well... need we say more?! The ideas that could be offered would be endless, of course this would bring into play a very large question of morality, or for the newer generation, political correctness. Essentially we can see by way of these few examples, the power of such a system. The need that would arise for regulations as well as the need for scanning the users that will use the system. The future of technology and Bulletin Board Systems is limitless. We take it one step at a time. Each day we evolve to greater and more efficient means of communication. Though the power of technology is impressive as much as it is useful, there will always be issues at hand that must be dealt with. The use of technology and communication should be aimed at bringing the world closer together, in a balanced way; in a way that will help people to learn how to interact and understand others including the environment around them. It should have the goal of educating the masses towards a peaceful living, a healthful living. So much time is wasted by people carrying grudges, which could cause such features as virtual reality to carry a strong negative undertone. Yet technology is what it is. It will continue to expand to new areas. It will continue to break down barriers. Will there every be a limit? WIll we ever reach an end? I suppose we will have to wait and see.