Get Net Help Aside from the "major catastrophe" communications that the nets may provide (as with the recent LA 'quake), and aside from the entertainment they offer, there is also a great opportunity for finding help / instruction / assistance in most any area imaginable. Before going on with that thought, I should also make note of the other side of the equation. You have an equal opportunity to contribute your knowledge / expertise / opinions to those who are looking for input on subjects with which you are familiar. In short, the message nets *ARE* communication. I have mentioned the wide variety of echo topics previously, but maybe a quick listing of some of the more "unusual" ones will illustrate how diverse a system the nets are. In the interest of space I can only hit a few, but these will give you some idea why I think there is something "out there" for everyone. Just a sampling of the 3,000 to 4,000 conferences available on the INTERNET includes everything from ... Jetlag to Fractals Cryonics to Woodworking Puzzles to Pyrotechnics Wizards to Textiles Neopaganism to Ren & Stimpy Magic to Medicine Scuba to Roller-Coasters and Windows to Doors Travel, sports, politics, music, science & technology, pets, folklore, and social culture are some of the many topics regularly discussed, and an enormous amount of information on finding answers to specific questions is there for the reading. Certainly the INTERNET's USENET messages dwarf all other nets, but you may be surprised to find whole nets devoted to fairly narrow areas of discussion, and others that cover a broad range of topics. Most of the "national / international" nets offer any number of conferences on any number of topics, while many of the "local" nets focus on such topics as medicine, photography, witchcraft, Star Trek, fishing, and oodles of other subjects. Needless to say, computers and software are talked about on nearly every net, and provide the opportunity for users to contact software writers and hardware makers directly. If you have a problem or question regarding anything "computer", there is little doubt an answer is just hours away on a net. I still marvel at the mind-boggling amount of information at our fingertips, and I urge you to take a look for yourself at the incredible world of the message networks. Let us know what you find, and if you have any interesting tips, topics, or experiences, by all means drop us a note ... ;-) Randy Britt Contributing Editor