Where Are We Going ? Electronic Bulletin Boards ... INTERNET ... Electronic Shopping ... Electronic Banking ... The Information Superhighway ... CompuServe ... America Online ... Prodigy and a myriad of other services available through any of several access points ... I'm starting to get confused ... or should I say MORE confused ?? Perhaps a more meaningful question than "where are we going?" would be, "what do we hope to gain by going there?" Hardly a person in America isn't aware that computers now play such a role in our existence that we would quickly grind to a halt without them, but fewer people really understand just how deep our dependence has become. Equaled only by electricity and fossil fuels, computers and electronic information exchange have truly assumed a foundation position in our society. They are now a root portion of our very infrastructure, and promise to exceed all other inventions as contributors to our evolution. Computers are an integral part of virtually every endeavor. They play such a critical role that many endeavors would not be possible without them. Imagine putting men on the moon ... well, you know. OK, OK, ... no news here. Everyone "knows" that computers are vital to the continued operation of government, defence, business, institutions of all kinds, monetary and stock exchanges, weather forecasting, banking, health care, and on, and on, and on. "Marvelous" is an understatement. Make no mistake, I am not infatuated with, nor overwhelmed by, the computer in our age, but I have been reflecting upon the future as it might affect the folks like you and me. I should point out that I have not been bowled over by any blinding flash of illumination, and I don't expect the impact will be more than we can handle. I am, however, wondering just what it is "we" might want from this incredible little box. You are reading this while logged onto a BBS. You evidently log on often enough to have figured out how to get here, and you undoubtedly have other interests in the BBS besides the magazine. You may have interests in the thousands of program files available, the on-line games, or netmail, but what do you think you might desire in the future ? Many of us are regulars on one, or more, of the major Echo-mail networks ... many of us frequent CompuServe or one of the major services now available ... many of us write shareware programs ... many look for source material for school or our professions ... some of us already do banking chores and some shopping right from our keyboards. Our PC may be helping to answer the phone in our absence, analyze our home budget, store a year's worth of dinner recipes, maintain our listing of friends' and family's addresses and phone numbers, and a host of other helpful tasks. No doubt, it's a great little machine. I figure breakfast in bed is just around the corner ! In the meantime, we now hear something daily about the Information Superhighway, INTERNET, and the wondrous world that lies ahead. The vast amounts of data that "will be" available, and the system that will put that data at your fingertips. The applications in business may be fairly self-evident. The value to governmental operations is pretty easy to imagine. Education, health care services, and sciences of all types may be panting to have something more "accessible" than the INTERNET to provide information exchange capabilities. Law enforcement, military, and a gazillion other organizations may find their uses for much of the final system, but I'm having some trouble imagining just what it is I personally might find so useful about this mega-info system. I would be very interested to know your thoughts. What are you expecting to find in this "information superhighway" that will be of use to you? Aside from whatever "entertainment" value it may hold, are there services or uses that you anticipate might be something you will find valuable? Take a minute and drop me a note in the "readers' response" are of the magazine. I'll be more than happy to publish anything you contribute, and I'm sure there are others reading this wondering the same thing. advTHANKSance Randy Britt