From: LORI FIELD The bunny jumps out of the hat. Oh, no! Where is that creature going? I follow the bunny because it seems to know more about what is going on than I do, and it is Halloween-- you never know....Up the stairs to an odd room filled with what? Are those really witches? I've played in front of tough audiences before, but this one takes the cake. The rabbit stops and looks at me expectantly. He jumps into the hat as if on cue, and I step forward. Total silence reigns. I have to do something, or the show will be a failure. "Ladies and hags, let me introduce my familiar. This (grabbing the bunny by the ears) is Pinkie. Please note how intelligent he seems. Now, for my first trick, I will make him a musician." I wave my magic wand and a drum appears. "Pinkie is now the Energizer bunny!" Total incomprehension from the audience. Either they have a better sense of humor than I do or they don't watch TV. I sense hostility. I had better do my standby that has gotten me out of more trouble than I can remember. It is also my only real magic trick that doesn't require sleight of hand. "And now, for my next trip, I will vanish into thin air." POOF!! Whew, that's better. I won't go back there in a hurry. Well, since I'm dressed for trick or treating, I might as well go get some candy!