From: REED HECKERT As I steped into the house a sudden rush filled me and my body as I felt the very soul being sucked out. Slowly, as I kneeled down on the floor darkness closed around me, everywhere...... It was then I realized that it was magic, magic coming from the hat which I held in my own hand. An explosion of bright light seemed to be covering my body, but it was not painful. Trying to peer through that film, I realized that it was I who was creating the phenominon, but I couldn't understand how. Peering through the film, I saw the man who answered the door writhing in pain. However, he was no longer a man but a great beast of extreme size. I saw the life bleeding out of him, like a leak in a dike, slowly at first, but faster and faster until he was gone. Then, suddenly, the film dissapeared from around my body, and I looked down at my feet and wondered why they were coming toward me so quickly....... I woke up hours later. Scanning the foyer of the modern house I saw a single fang gleaming on the floor. I realized then that the film was all that had saved me from a horrible fate of certain death.